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发布时间:2018-04-18 02:15

  本文选题:中医口译 + 背景知识 ; 参考:《南京师范大学》2016年硕士论文

[Abstract]:With the increasing popularity of Chinese culture in the world, TCM has gained more international attention.In recent years, a large number of foreign students have chosen to study Chinese medicine in China.However, the smooth development of TCM interpretation is not easy, which requires interpreters to have rich background knowledge and good interpretation skills.Based on the Chinese, English and Portuguese interpretation projects of Nanjing University of traditional Chinese Medicine, the report discusses the key and difficult points in Chinese medicine interpretation based on the practice of Chinese and English interpretation and the exchange and cooperation with English and Portuguese interpreters.It includes insufficient professional knowledge of TCM, omission of interpretation information and difficulty in translation of TCM terms.Through the analysis of specific cases, the speaker points out that interpreters need to strengthen their pre-translation preparation, improve communication among interpreters and adopt various translation methods to deal with the translation of professional terms, and suggests that interpreters should pay attention to the problems that may be encountered in the interpretation of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM).Constantly improve their own level, improve the quality of interpretation.


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