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发布时间:2018-04-18 19:45

  本文选题:翟理斯 + 英语世界 ; 参考:《西南民族大学学报(人文社科版)》2017年05期

[Abstract]:Zareth was a representative figure in the Sinology of England from the late 19th century to the early 20th century. He devoted his whole life to studying China.In his literary masterpiece, selected works of Ancient Chinese Literature, Chinese Poetry and English rhyme, History of Chinese Literature, and so on, he has translated and introduced Su Shi and his works to the readers of the English-speaking world many times, and they are quite insightful.Later, many Sinology researchers turned their attention to Su Shi.Through the comprehensive analysis, the study of Zhai's connection with China, his concern to Su Shi and his works, and the influence of Zhai Liz on the dissemination of Su's studies, we can judge that Zhai Liz has made outstanding contributions in the history of the communication of overseas Soviet studies.
【作者单位】: 湖南大学中国语言文学学院;西南民族大学预科教育学院;


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