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发布时间:2018-04-19 12:07

  本文选题:禁止性规范 + 禁止性规范词 ; 参考:《语言与翻译》2017年01期

【摘要】:禁止性规范是立法语篇的重要组成部分。在汉语立法语篇中,"不得"一词是最常见的禁止性规范词,其英译的准确性和适切性对于维护法律的权威、保持原有的法律效力至关重要。文章以"中国法律法规汉英平行语料库"为研究工具,对比分析大陆立法语篇英文版与香港立法语篇英文版在表述"不得"这一概念上的不同倾向,以此揭示前者在翻译"不得"一词时存在的缺陷。结果表明,在大陆立法语篇英文版中,shall not及其变体、may not及其变体被混用;no…shall/may这一否定形式未被充分使用;多样化的表述被用来表达同一个概念,违反了译名统一的原则。文章讨论了这些缺陷的危害,并提出了改进意见。
[Abstract]:Prohibitive norms are an important part of legislative texts.In Chinese legislative discourse, the word "shall" is the most common prohibited norm word. The accuracy and appropriateness of its translation is very important to maintain the authority of the law and maintain the original legal effect.Taking the parallel Corpus of Chinese laws and regulations in Chinese and English as the research tool, this paper makes a comparative analysis of the different tendencies of the English version of the mainland legislative discourse and the Hong Kong legislative text in expressing the concept of "no".In this way, the defects of the former in translating the word "no" are revealed.The results show that not and its variant may not are mixed with each other in the English version of the mainland legislative discourses.The negative form of shall/may is not fully used; various expressions are used to express the same concept, which violates the principle of unified translation.This paper discusses the harm of these defects and puts forward some suggestions for improvement.
【作者单位】: 西南政法大学外语学院;


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1 尹延安;;汉语立法文本中禁止性规范词分析及英译[J];西南农业大学学报(社会科学版);2012年12期




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