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发布时间:2018-04-19 13:46

  本文选题:时政新词 + 功能对等 ; 参考:《上海外国语大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Since the reform and opening up, our country in politics, economy, culture, science and technology, diplomacy and other aspects have undergone earth-shaking changes, a large number of new things, new ideas and new concepts continue to appear in people's daily life.In order to meet the needs of the development of the language itself, a variety of Chinese neologisms are emerging. Their scale, quantity and changes are unprecedented in the history of the development of Chinese vocabulary.Among them, the new words of current politics can show the latest trends in all aspects of our country, such as the new political and economic policies of the Party and the government, the new trend of ideology and culture, and so on, thus laying the foundation of the new words in Chinese.Through these new words, people can fully understand the current situation of our country and the general situation of our country's current social development.Therefore, the accurate translation of these new words plays an important role in the foreign propaganda of our country, which is of great significance to the establishment of our national political image and the promotion of communication and cooperation at home and abroad.It is true that some scholars have studied the current political neologisms, which are instructive to the translation of current political neologisms, but in fact there are some problems.The most prominent problem is that such words are too new to find a precedent to follow in translation and the translator is unable to obtain accurate translation results from general dictionaries.Since these dictionaries contain only simple explanatory notes, most of which cannot be directly used in actual translation, translators often need to do creative translation work.Try to be the first person to translate a new political word.In addition, the distinctive Chinese cultural characteristics and special political color of these political neologisms will bring some difficulties to translation.In view of this, this paper, starting from the case study, collects many relevant data on the translation of current political neologisms in the past five years, and analyzes the problems in the translation of current political neologisms into English.Then from the perspective of Nida's functional equivalence and the examples of the translation of current political neologisms, the author puts forward two principles for the translation of current political neologisms, that is, receptor-oriented and signal-oriented.At the same time, this paper summarizes six strategies for translating new words of current politics, namely literal translation, literal translation with annotations, addition, free translation, back translation and transliteration, in order to provide some references for the study of the translation of Chinese political neologisms into English.


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