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发布时间:2018-04-20 00:22

  本文选题:大学英语写作 + 写作自动评价系统 ; 参考:《兰州理工大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着科学技术的迅猛发展,计算机网络为外语写作的学习者提供了新的反馈技术,即写作自动评价系统。虽然已有学者对写作自动评价系统的反馈做了研究,但关于把写作自动评价系统与教师反馈相结合的反馈的研究却屈指可数。鉴于此,探究写作自动评价系统与教师反馈相结合的反馈效果也就很有必要了。本研究分别对仅使用写作自动评价系统反馈以及写作自动评价系统加教师反馈对大学生英语写作的影响展开探讨,试图找出一个更有效的英语写作反馈类型。研究的主要问题包括:(1)在分别接受写作自动评价系统反馈与写作自动评价系统加教师反馈后,控制班和实验班学生的英语写作水平有何差异?(2)学生对待写作自动评价系统反馈及写作自动评价系统加教师反馈的态度是什么?(3)教师对待写作自动评价系统反馈及写作自动评价系统加教师反馈的态度是什么?本研究依托写作自动评价系统“批改网”进行。实验对象是来自兰州理工大学的大学一年级非英语专业的2个平行班9班和10班的共96名学生以及两个班的英语任课教师。9班作为控制班,仅接受写作自动评价系统进行作文反馈;10班作为实验班,接受写作自动评价系统加教师反馈进行作文反馈。实验时间为一学期。本研究对控制班和实验班前后测作文各项指标的分数以及总分进行收集并使用SPSS 19.0进行分析,并在学期末对两个班的学生进行问卷调查和访谈,为了能够全面了解这两种反馈类型的效果,研究者还对两个班的英语任课教师进行了访谈。研究发现:(1)写作自动评价系统加教师反馈的反馈效果确实要比只用写作自动评价系统反馈的效果好,它可以弥补只用写作自动评价系统在篇章结构和内容方面反馈的不足,从而能够全面的提高学生的写作水平。(2)虽然学生对待这两种反馈类型的态度和看法各不相同,但学生对写作自动评价系统与教师反馈相结合的反馈类型更满意。(3)教师也对写作自动评价系统与教师反馈相结合的反馈持肯定态度,并提出教师可以把学生作文中的细节性错误,词汇错误和语法错误的反馈交给写作自动评价系统,这样教师就可以把更多的精力放在作文中篇章结构以及内容的反馈上,这种有效的结合不仅可以减轻教师的工作负担,还可以提高反馈效率。总之,尽管本研究存在一些局限性,但仍对大学英语写作教学实践和研究具有一定的借鉴意义。
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of science and technology, the computer network provides a new feedback technology for foreign language writing learners, that is, the writing automatic evaluation system. Although some scholars have done research on the feedback of the writing automatic evaluation system, only a few studies have been done on the combination of the writing automatic evaluation system and the teacher's feedback. In view of this, it is necessary to explore the feedback effect of automatic evaluation system and teacher feedback. This study explores the effects of writing automatic evaluation system only and writing automatic evaluation system plus teacher feedback on college students' English writing in an attempt to find out a more effective type of English writing feedback. The main problems of the study include: (1) after receiving the feedback of the writing automatic evaluation system and the writing automatic evaluation system plus the teacher's feedback, What is the difference in the students' English Writing proficiency between the Control Class and the Experimental Class 2) what is the attitude of the students towards the writing automatic evaluation system and the writing automatic evaluation system plus teachers' feedback? What is the attitude of writing automatic evaluation system and teacher feedback? This research relies on the writing automatic evaluation system, marking net. The subjects were 96 students in two parallel classes (9 and 10) and two classes (class .9 of English teachers) in the first year of non-English major in Lanzhou University of Technology as control classes. Only the writing automatic evaluation system is accepted for writing feedback. Class 10 is used as the experimental class, and the writing automatic evaluation system and teachers' feedback are accepted for composition feedback. The experimental time is one semester. This study collected the scores and the total scores of the composition indexes before and after the control class and the experimental class, and analyzed them by using SPSS 19.0. At the end of the semester, the students of the two classes were investigated with questionnaires and interviews. In order to fully understand the effects of these two types of feedback, the researchers also conducted interviews with English teachers in the two classes. It is found that the feedback effect of writing automatic evaluation system plus teacher feedback is better than that of writing automatic evaluation system, which can make up for the insufficiency of writing automatic evaluation system in text structure and content. Therefore, students can improve their writing ability in an all-round way.) although students have different attitudes and views on these two types of feedback, However, the students are more satisfied with the feedback type of the combination of writing automatic evaluation system and teacher feedback. Teachers also have a positive attitude towards the combination of writing automatic evaluation system and teacher feedback. It is also proposed that teachers can give feedback of students' detailed errors, vocabulary errors and grammatical errors to the writing automatic evaluation system, so that teachers can devote more attention to the feedback of the text structure and content in the composition. This effective combination can not only reduce the workload of teachers, but also improve the efficiency of feedback. In a word, although this study has some limitations, it still has some reference significance for the teaching practice and research of college English writing.


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