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发布时间:2018-04-20 20:26

  本文选题:翻译技巧 + 顺译 ; 参考:《辽宁大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Documentary film, as a form of co-existence of sound and painting, plays an increasingly important role in the cultural output. Through the illustration and explanation, documentary can help people to understand more intuitively the history, culture and customs of China. In this practical report, the translator selects the large-scale epic documentary "the mysterious Xixia" as the corpus for interpreting practice, taking the interpretation practice process and experience summary as an example. This paper enumerates and analyzes the process of simultaneous interpretation and the emergency situations which occur in the middle of the process of translation and reflects the whole process of interpretation by the words truthfully. In view of the fact that it is a documentary about the history of the Western Xia Dynasty, the translator should consider many factors in the process of translation. Before the beginning of translation practice, the translator consulted a lot of relevant materials, because there are a lot of strange titles, place names and many professional words in the documentary, so it is quite difficult to translate. Based on the author's own translation practice, this paper expounds how to exert the translator's subjective initiative and its restrictive factors in the process of translating such documentaries, and use appropriate interpreting techniques to complete the interpreting practice of documentary narratives. In addition, the translator also elaborates and systematically summarizes the translation techniques and notes used in the process of interpreting, which can be used as a reference for the translation compilation of similar subjects. This paper consists of three parts: introduction, text and conclusion. The main contents are as follows: the first part is the introduction. The introduction mainly introduces the background and practical value of the mysterious Xixia. The second part is the text, which consists of three parts: the first chapter is the task description. This chapter introduces the background of the Mystery of Xixia and the content of the first episode of the documentary, the lost Kingdom, and expounds the basic interpretation skills and the requirements of simultaneous interpretation for interpreters. Chapter two mainly discusses the process description, analyzes the role of pre-translation preparation in the process of interpreting, and introduces the exertion of the translator's subjective initiative in the process of interpreting and its restrictive factors, as well as the monitoring of interpretation quality. Chapter three is a case study, which introduces the application of interpretation techniques, such as smooth translation and free translation, and the importance of note-taking in interpreting practice. In the second half of this chapter, the translator analyzes some error cases in the process of interpreting and how to deal with unexpected situations in the process of interpreting. The last part is the conclusion, which summarizes the previous discussion and points out that the main purpose of this paper is to improve the quality of translation. Through the analysis and arrangement of the whole interpreting process, the author summarizes the experience and lessons to be used for reference, and provides valuable experience for the future to engage in interpreting related work.


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