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发布时间:2018-04-22 17:03

  本文选题:新闻翻译标准升级 + 跨文化新闻翻译实践与研究 ; 参考:《上海翻译》2016年02期

[Abstract]:In the era of globalization, news translation with unique cross-cultural characteristics must face up to the news justice in order to maintain the style of great power, which requires an overall upgrading of news translation standards. Based on the news translation practice, teaching and research carried out in the past 15 years in this century, the BTI/MTI News Translation Standard has been upgraded in an all-round way. One of the standards of the upgraded edition is "news justice", which involves not only the professional standards and professional ethics of translators and journalists, but also the principle of maintaining the demeanor of China as a great country. From the perspective of discourse analysis, this paper discusses a case of translation of major news reports in order to clarify the source and show the style of a great country.
【作者单位】: 浙江大学;


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