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发布时间:2018-04-23 23:03

  本文选题:英文报刊 + 农村高中英语 ; 参考:《南京师范大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:英语阅读能力是英语学习能力的重要组成部分。培养学生的英语阅读能力也是我国中小学英语教学的主要目标。提升英语阅读能力,学习者需要接触大量的,时新的英语文章。在农村中学,英语阅读教学一直处于比较落后和被动的局面。大多数农村教师都是依靠教材内容进行阅读教学。语言是随着时代的发展不断变化的,陈旧的教材内容无法和新的时代接轨。单一的英语阅读教学模式也无法激起学生的阅读兴趣。因此,如何改变传统的阅读教学模式,如何转变广大农村高中生学习英语的态度,如何调动他们的阅读兴趣,成为农村高中英语教学改革取得突破的关键,将英文报刊阅读引入英语阅读教学无疑是农村英语阅读教学的一个新尝试。本文的研究问题是:1)英文报刊阅读对农村高中生的词汇量会产生什么影响? 2)在农村高中生形成良好的阅读习惯方面,英文报刊阅读作用如何? 3)英文报刊阅读对农村高中生的阅读理解以及整体英语水平能力的提高有着怎样的作用?本文的研究对象是苏北某农村四星高中的两个高三平行班级,共110名学生。本研究以图式理论和Krashen的输入假设理论为依据,在实验前向学生发放了问卷调查并对他们进行了实验前测。在了解农村中学英语阅读的现状后,设计教学任务后对实验班开展英文报刊阅读教学活动的实验。该实验的目的是探讨英文报刊阅读对农村高中生英语阅读能力产生的影响。在实验过程中,实验班的55名学生在使用传统阅读材料和学习方法的同时还增加了英文报刊阅读活动并进行了一些阅读方法的训练。对照班的55名学生使用的则是传统的阅读材料和学习方法进行学习。实验后,对两个班的学生进行了问卷调查,访谈以及实验后测。根据实验收集的数据,笔者进行了详细分析。研究发现:1)英文报刊阅读的内容更为贴近生活,可以激发农村高中生的英语阅读兴趣,扩大学生词汇量的同时并且能够开阔他们的眼界;2)英文报刊阅读有助于农村高中生形成良好的阅读习惯,掌握并能运用阅读策略,从而提高学生的阅读速度;3)英文报刊阅读对提高学生的阅读理解能力和整体英语水平能力有着积极的影响,有助于使学生成为终身学习者。本研究对农村高中的英语阅读教学具有一定的启示意义,对于使用英文报刊于阅读教学中的教师们有一定的指导作用。教师们在进行阅读教学时应以学生为中心,注意选材并给予学生阅读策略及技巧的指导。笔者希望本研究可使广大农村高中的英语教师能认识到英语报刊教学的重要性,并促使更多的教师将英文报刊阅读运用于他们的阅读教学实践中。
[Abstract]:English reading ability is an important part of English learning ability. Training students' English reading ability is also the main goal of English teaching in primary and secondary schools in China. To improve English reading ability, learners need to be exposed to a large number of new English articles. In rural middle schools, English reading teaching has been in a relatively backward and passive situation. Most rural teachers rely on the content of teaching materials for reading teaching. Language is constantly changing with the development of the times, the old content of teaching materials can not be in line with the new era. Nor can a single English reading teaching model arouse students' interest in reading. Therefore, how to change the traditional reading teaching mode, how to change the attitude of the rural high school students to learn English, how to arouse their reading interest, become the key to the breakthrough of the rural senior high school English teaching reform. The introduction of English newspaper reading into English reading teaching is undoubtedly a new attempt in rural English reading teaching. The research question in this paper is: (1) what effect does English newspaper reading have on the vocabulary of rural high school students? 2) in the aspect of forming good reading habits of rural high school students, What is the reading function of English newspapers and periodicals? 3) what is the effect of English newspaper reading on the reading comprehension of rural high school students and the improvement of their overall English proficiency? The research object of this paper is two three-year parallel classes in a rural four-star high school in northern Jiangsu province, with 110 students. Based on schema theory and Krashen's input hypothesis theory, a questionnaire was sent out to the students before the experiment and they were tested before the experiment. After understanding the present situation of English reading in rural middle schools, the experiment of English newspaper reading teaching was carried out in the experimental class after the design of teaching tasks. The purpose of this experiment is to explore the influence of English newspaper reading on rural senior high school students' English reading ability. In the course of the experiment, 55 students in the experimental class used traditional reading materials and learning methods, and at the same time increased the reading activities of English newspapers and periodicals and conducted some reading methods training. The 55 students in the control class used traditional reading materials and learning methods. After the experiment, the students in the two classes were investigated, interviewed and tested after the experiment. According to the data collected from the experiment, the author makes a detailed analysis. The study found that the content of English newspapers and periodicals is closer to life and can stimulate the interest of rural high school students in reading English. English newspaper reading helps rural high school students to form good reading habits, master and use reading strategies. Therefore, improving students' reading speed has a positive effect on students' reading comprehension and overall English proficiency, which helps to make students become lifelong learners. This study has some enlightening significance for English reading teaching in rural senior high schools, and has certain instructive function for teachers who use English newspapers and periodicals in reading teaching. Teachers should be student-centered in reading teaching, pay attention to the selection of materials and give guidance to students in reading strategies and skills. The author hopes that this study can make English teachers in rural senior high schools realize the importance of English newspaper teaching and promote more teachers to apply English newspaper reading to their reading teaching practice.


中国期刊全文数据库 前2条

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中国硕士学位论文全文数据库 前10条

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