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发布时间:2018-04-24 04:19

  本文选题:淀粉产品 + 说明书翻译 ; 参考:《广西大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:This article is a report on the translation project of the translation of the starch product instruction, the project mainly introduces the quality index of starch products, the characteristics of the product and the description of the use. As a translation of the starch industry, the project is objective and accurate in the introductory language of the product; the starch industry has outstanding vocabulary features and strong specialization; there are no main sentences, imperative sentences and long sentences. Projects are used. "The thirteenth China ASEAN Expo" enterprise product promotion conference, introducing products to various countries business owners. The translator is a company engaged in the processing and manufacturing of starch products. The name of the client is expressed by XXX because of the reasons for confidentiality. This project is a translation of science and technology in non literary translation. There are no lack of proper nouns and specification standard. In accordance with the stylistic features of the instructions, customer requirements and project uses, the German Functional School of teleology is to be used as a theoretical guide to achieve the effect of translation. It can be dealt with by the direct translation method. When the translation of starch products is used, the translation methods, such as the increasing translation method, the sub translation method and the reorganization method, can be adopted. The translation methods proposed in the report for typical translation cases can provide reference for the post translators.



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2 王健;从目的论的角度分析英文产品说明书的翻译[D];东北财经大学;2007年




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