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发布时间:2018-04-24 13:31

  本文选题:奥巴马演讲 + 顺应论 ; 参考:《吉林大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Political speech is an important form of public speech, usually used to show the position and propaganda of the country's internal affairs and diplomacy. As a typical representative, presidential speech plays a very important role in political life. Barack Obama is the first African American president in the history of the United States, looking at his political career, from him At the beginning of the world political stage, with his eloquent speech ability, a wave of learning English has been set off. Until now, his speech is still a model for many public speaking enthusiasts. At the same time, many scholars at home and abroad have made different directions on their speeches. For example, from stylistic rhetoric, discourse criticism, interpersonal meaning, and so on. However, these studies are limited to a single, static description, not comprehensive and systematic. Political speech, as a monologue, is a process of dynamic choice of language, like other verbal communication activities. The speaker needs to take full consideration of the context related factors in conforming to social background and society. On the premise of the occasion, we should pay attention to his own speech and manner and shape a good public image. In the choice of language, the content of the speech should conform to the psychology of the people, cause the audience to resonate, and finally realize the communicative intention. Therefore, this article tries to carry out his speech on the basis of Weisl Len's adaptation theory and from the perspective of contextual related factors. In order to explore how Obama moved and persuaded the audience by complying with the communicative context and linguistic context, it obtained the resonance and support of the masses. Weisl Len's adaptation theory was put forward and further interpreted in his new interpretation of pragmatics. He believed that the characteristics of language variability, negotiability and compliance made people in the language. At the same time, in the process of using the language, in order to achieve the purpose of communication, language users need to make adaptation to the contextual factors and choose the structure of language in the process of language selection. Therefore, the analysis of contextual factors is of vital importance. In the process of language use, in the process of language use, the physical world, the social world and the psychological world are called the communicative context. In addition, it is called the linguistic context in which the language communication is chosen according to the context. This article is based on the theory of adaptation, from the communicative context and the language language. Two aspects of the analysis of Obama's speech, try to answer the following four questions: 1. what aspects of Obama's political speech complied with the mirror factors? 2. how does Obama's speech conform to people's physical world, the social world and the psychological world? What is the way 3. Obama adopted to conform to the language context? 4. for the language context What is the effect of the adaptation of context related factors in Obama's speech? The full text is divided into five chapters. The first chapter outlines the background, significance and purpose of the research; the second chapter is a summary of the literature of the thesis, and the related studies of Obama's political speech and context are briefly introduced from two aspects of the domestic and foreign countries. The third chapter introduces the theoretical framework of this subject - adaptation theory, and introduces the main research problems and research methods; the fourth chapter is the key part of this article, and analyzes Obama's political speech from all aspects of contextual factors. In the context of communicative language, Obama takes into consideration the social background of the time. And social occasions, choose the right language and expression to conform to the listener's physical world, the social world and the psychological world. In the language context, Obama uses a variety of cohesive and intertextual ways to achieve a resonance with the audience. The fifth chapter is the general conclusion of the study, pointing out the current problems and the follow-up research. This article holds that the reason why Obama's speech can be deeply moved is because he takes into account the heart of the audience in the communicative context; in the linguistic context, the appropriate language structure is used to arouse people's resonance and help to realize their communicative intentions. On the one hand, the study of Obama's political speech can make public the public. The public speaking learners are enlightened by the selection of the speech content, the shaping of their own images and the interaction of the audience. Secondly, through the analysis of the speech content itself and the audience's feedback to the speech, it can help the language users to choose appropriate pragmatic strategies to communicate with others in the intercourse of speech. So as to achieve its communicative intention, this has great implications for later researchers.



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