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发布时间:2018-04-26 12:51

  本文选题:传播效果 + 《额尔古纳河右岸》英译本 ; 参考:《湘潭大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:《额尔古纳河右岸》(2005)是当代中国女作家迟子建的作品,曾获第七届茅盾文学奖。该作品英译本The Last Quarter of the Moon由美国学者徐穆实(Bruce Humes)翻译,于2013年由英国哈维尔-塞克书局(Harvill Secker)出版,尔后引起了国内外学者的关注,获得了海外读者的好评。作为当代中国文学作品外译的成功之作,《额尔古纳河右岸》英译本的传播对中国文化走出去具有重要的意义。学界已关注到该译作在海外的影响,但对于其中的翻译方法和传播效果的研究有待加强。传播是人类借助符号交流信息的活动。传播效果是指传播出去的信息受到了关注、留下了记忆、改变了态度、导致了个人或社会的某种行为的变化。翻译实质上就是传播,是一种跨文化、跨语际的信息传播和交际活动。从传播学视角来看,翻译效果与译者、翻译内容、读者等因素有关。本文拟运用传播学中的说服论、使用与满足论和一致论三个传播效果模型,从鄂温克物质文化及社会文化、宗教文化、生态文化三个层面来分析《额尔古纳河右岸》中民俗文化的英译方法及这些方法所达到的传播效果。本文主体共分为四章。第一章主要对传播学中的概念、理论进行梳理,包括传播、传播效果和传播效果模型,并阐述翻译的本质是文化传播以及传播效果对翻译研究的启示。第二章讨论物质文化及社会文化的翻译方法和说服效果,认为《额尔古纳河右岸》英译者在翻译极具鄂温克民族特色的物质文化和社会文化时更多采取音译和直译的方法,以保留原文特色,在传播上取得了较为突出的说服效果。第三章探讨宗教文化的翻译方法和满足效果,指出译本受众多为信奉基督教的欧美读者,译者在翻译鄂温克民族的萨满教文化时,为了达到满足的效果,采取音译、直译和意译的方法,既满足受众对萨满教的好奇,又顾及他们的基督教文化背景。第四章分析鄂温克生态文化的翻译方法和一致效果,指出人类虽共享同一个地球生态系统,但各地各民族的生态文化却各具特色。译本在翻译鄂温克生态文化时,对与原文本认知一致的内容采用了直译法;而有新信息出现的时候,译者采用了音译加注释法和音译加直译法,以调和新旧信息,旨在达到一致效果。通过以上分析,可以看出:在民俗文化翻译中,既要保留和突出民俗文化的特点,也要考虑译本读者的需求和文化背景,运用不同翻译方法使民俗文化的传播达到良好效果,使中国文学和文化真正地走出去。
[Abstract]:"Erguna River right Bank" 2005) is the contemporary Chinese female writer Chi Zijian's work, once won the 7th Mao Dun Literature Award. The Last Quarter of the Moon, translated by American scholar Bruce Humesand and published by Harvill Secker in 2013, has attracted the attention of scholars at home and abroad and won praise from overseas readers. As a successful foreign translation of contemporary Chinese literary works, the English translation of Erguna River is of great significance to the spread of Chinese culture. Scholars have paid close attention to the influence of the translation abroad, but the research on its translation methods and dissemination effect needs to be strengthened. Communication is an activity in which human beings exchange information by means of symbols. The effect of communication is that the information is paid attention to, the memory is left, the attitude is changed, and the behavior of the individual or society is changed. Translation is essentially communication, a cross-cultural, inter-lingual communication and communication activities. From the perspective of communication, the translation effect is related to the translator, the content of translation, the reader and so on. This paper intends to use the theory of persuasion, the theory of satisfaction and the theory of consistency in communication, from the material culture, social culture and religious culture of Ewenki. This paper analyzes the translation methods of folk culture in the right bank of the Erguna River from three aspects of ecological culture and their spreading effects. The main body of this paper is divided into four chapters. The first chapter focuses on the concept and theory of communication, including communication, communication effect and communication effect model, and expounds that the essence of translation is cultural communication and the enlightenment of communication effect to translation studies. The second chapter discusses the translation methods and persuasive effects of material culture and social culture, and concludes that English translators adopt transliteration and literal translation methods in translating material culture and social culture with the characteristics of Ewenki nationality. In order to retain the characteristics of the original text, in the dissemination of a more prominent effect of persuasion. Chapter three discusses the translation method and satisfaction effect of religious culture, and points out that the target audience is mostly Christian readers in Europe and the United States. In order to achieve the satisfying effect, the translator adopts transliteration in order to translate the Shamanism culture of the Ewenki nationality. The methods of literal translation and free translation not only satisfy the audience's curiosity about Shamanism, but also take into account their Christian cultural background. Chapter four analyzes the translation method and consistent effect of Ewenki ecological culture, and points out that although human beings share the same earth ecosystem, the ecological culture of different nationalities has its own characteristics. In the translation of Ewenki ecological culture, the literal translation method is adopted for the content which is consistent with the original text, and when new information appears, the translator adopts the transliteration plus annotation method and the transliteration plus literal translation method to reconcile the new and the old information. The aim is to achieve a consistent effect. Through the above analysis, we can see that in the translation of folklore culture, we should not only preserve and highlight the characteristics of folklore culture, but also consider the needs and cultural background of the readers of the translation, and use different translation methods to achieve good results in the dissemination of folklore culture. To make Chinese literature and culture really go out.


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