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发布时间:2018-04-29 14:09

  本文选题:初中英语写作 + 过程写作教学法 ; 参考:《上海师范大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:English writing is an important part of the ability to use English. In our country, English writing has always been a weak link in junior high school English teaching. In junior middle school, English writing in grade six and seven accounted for 8 points of 100 points, English writing in eighth grade accounted for 10 points of 100 points, and English writing in ninth grade accounted for 20 points of 150 points. Moreover, the rate of students' losing points in the writing part was particularly high. Therefore, how to effectively improve students' English writing ability has become an important issue in junior middle school English teaching. Through the experiment, this paper studies how to use the process writing teaching method, the teacher guides the students to write through the preparation, the writing stage, the revision stage and the retouching stage before writing, so as to give full play to the students' subjectivity and initiative. It is supplemented by a good sense of persuasion. Taking English writing teaching as the center and behaviorism theory as the basis, the author attempts to study the feasibility of improving students' writing level by integrating teacher-student cooperation, student cooperation and mutual evaluation into writing. To explore a teaching model which not only accords with the law of students' development but also improves the level of English writing. The author compares the achievement teaching method with the process teaching method, and chooses two classes (the experimental class and the control class) in Songjiang Foreign language School of Shanghai Foreign Studies University to carry on the experiment. The pre-test composition and post-test composition of the two classes were revised by the author according to the unified grading standard in the district, and the data of each composition were analyzed according to three aspects: content, structure and literary style. At the same time, based on the investigation of the present situation of English writing in junior high school and the interview with teachers, it is concluded that the application of process writing method is more conducive to improving students' English writing level and to the development of students' lifelong learning. In the process of gradual writing learning, we should consolidate language knowledge and increase vocabulary, pay attention to the guidance of writing process, the logical relationship of discourse content, and gradually improve English writing ability and language practice ability. The process writing method is still groping in the junior middle school English writing teaching. Combining with the practice, we try to make the junior middle school English writing teaching more effective and feasible, more scientific and systematic.


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