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发布时间:2018-04-29 16:14

  本文选题:词块教学法 + 词块能力 ; 参考:《广州大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:阅读是一种重要的英语输入方式:学习者不仅获取有效信息,还能学习语言知识。根据初中英语新课程标准,八年级英语学习者阅读能力达到以下要求:(1)能从简单的文章中找出有关信息,理解大意;(2)能根据上下文猜测生词的意思;(3)能理解并解释图表提供的信息;(4)能读懂简单的个人信件、各种应用文体材料;(5)能使用英汉词典等工具书帮助阅读理解;(6)课外阅读量累计达到10万词以上。因此,初中生应该要养成良好的英语阅读学习方法,打好英语学习的基础。然而,目前大部分初中英语教师教授阅读时还是偏向于重视单个单词的教授和语法规则的英语教学方法。其结果是许多学生习惯了单词的零散记忆,逐字逐句阅读文章,这大大降低了阅读速度和准确性。一些学生反映自己认识每个单词,但是抓不住整篇文章的大意。这一重要原因是单个单词可以组块形成有特定意义的词块。但是学生的词块能力不足。这篇论文旨在探究词块教学法对初中生英语阅读能力的影响和词块能力的影响,就这两方面提出了两个研究问题:(1)词块教学法对初中生英语词块能力有积极影响吗?(2)词块教学法对初中生英语阅读能力有积极影响吗?为了探究词块教学法的影响,确保研究的可行性和有效性,本实验研究采取了质性研究和量化研究两种方法。实验对象为广州市第十八中学初二5班的43名同学。实验时长为12周,教学材料为初二英语课本(上海教育出版社)。实验之后,作者使用SPSS 22.0就收集到的数据进行分析。该实验研究的结果表明:采用了词块教学法,实验班的学生英语阅读成绩得到了提高,并且词块能力也得到了提高。该研究给初中英语教师提供了一种有效的、可行的教学思路——词块教学法。因此,作者提出:将词块教学法应用于中国初中英语阅读课堂教学是可行、有效的教学方法。
[Abstract]:Reading is an important way to input English: learners can not only acquire effective information, but also learn language knowledge. According to the new curriculum standards of junior high school English, the eighth grade English learners' reading ability meets the following requirements: 1) can find relevant information from simple articles. Can guess the meaning of a new word according to the context.) can understand and explain the information provided by the chart. 4) can read a simple personal letter. Various applied stylistic materials such as English-Chinese dictionaries and other reference books can be used to help reading comprehension.) the cumulative amount of extracurricular reading is more than 100000 words. Therefore, junior high school students should develop good English reading learning methods and lay a good foundation for English learning. However, most junior middle school English teachers still prefer to pay attention to the teaching of single words and grammar rules. As a result, many students are used to the scattered memory of words and read articles word by word, which greatly reduces the speed and accuracy of reading. Some students reflect that they know every word, but they can't grasp the general idea of the whole article. This important reason is that a single word can be grouped into chunks with specific meanings. But students' lexical chunks are inadequate. The purpose of this paper is to explore the effects of lexical chunks on junior high school students' English reading ability and lexical chunks ability. Two research questions are raised in these two aspects: (1) does lexical chunks have a positive effect on junior high school students' English lexical lexical competence? (2) does lexical chunks have a positive effect on junior high school students' English reading ability? In order to explore the influence of lexical chunks teaching method and ensure the feasibility and effectiveness of the study, this experiment adopts two methods: qualitative study and quantitative study. The subjects were 43 students from Class 5, Grade 2 of Guangzhou No. 18 Middle School. The experiment is 12 weeks long and the teaching material is English textbook of Grade 2 (Shanghai Education Publishing House). After the experiment, the author used SPSS 22. 0 to analyze the data collected. The results of the experiment show that the English reading scores of the students in the experimental class have been improved and the lexical chunks competence has also been improved by using the lexical chunks teaching method. This study provides an effective and feasible teaching method for English teachers in junior high school. Therefore, the author suggests that it is feasible and effective to apply lexical chunks to Chinese junior high school English reading classroom teaching.


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