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发布时间:2018-04-30 06:17

  本文选题:《当你呼唤我的名字》 + 翻译技巧 ; 参考:《安徽大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Nowadays, cultural exchanges between countries are becoming more and more frequent, in which translation plays an irreplaceable role, especially in the translation of novels, which can show the culture and customs of a country more deeply. Therefore, the translation of untranslated novels into Chinese can, on the one hand, enhance the readers' understanding of foreign culture, on the other hand, enrich the readers' spiritual world. This paper is a Chinese-English translation project in which the original text of the translation project is a novella by American novelist Sharon Sarah when you call my name. The author's translation task is the third and fourth chapters. There are two main reasons for choosing this text for translation: first, the plot of the novel-this novel narrates an emotional dispute caused by a car accident, which not only contains romance and reality, but also supernatural and conspiracy. Second, because Sharon Sarah, a famous American writer, has won many awards, but is not well known to the Chinese public, it is very meaningful to translate it for discussion. At the same time, the novel has never been translated into Chinese, and there are few related references on the Internet, so the translation of the novel is also a comprehensive test of the author's translation study. The core part of this report is the case study in Chapter three. The author first expounds the problems and difficulties in translation, and then elaborates on the theory of linguistic adaptation of Jeff Visorun, which guides the whole translation. Finally, the examples of translation projects and various translation techniques such as incremental translation, subtractive translation, conversion are discussed in detail. Through the whole translation practice, the author draws the following conclusions: first of all, we must make sufficient preparations before we begin to translate, that is, the so-called "sharpening knives do not miss the cutting of firewood"; secondly, in the process of translation, Must have the corresponding theory as the support, and should always keep the theory in mind, the flexible use; again, after the first draft, must read carefully, repeatedly modify, communicate with others, learn from the masses. Translation is by no means easy.


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1 记者 倪金凤;我区六个国家农发水保项目报告获水利部批复[N];华兴时报;2008年

2 本报记者 林志文 通讯员 黄卫平;大爱同行,广东妇联扶贫助困在行动[N];中国妇女报;2013年

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