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发布时间:2018-05-01 00:32

  本文选题:《庄子》 + 认知 ; 参考:《西南石油大学》2015年硕士论文

【摘要】:隐喻研究广涉众多学科,尤其是在认知语言学领域。然而,从认知视角对隐喻及其翻译进行的研究仍是一个有待探索的新领域。本论文运用概念隐喻理论和图式理论,认为隐喻具有丰富的经验基础,隐喻可从语言图式、形式图式、内容图式和文化图式四个方面进行解读。因此,本文将概念隐喻理论与图式理论运用于《庄子》的三个典型英译本中,以再现原文的隐喻特征为原则,试图从认知视域探讨在英译本中再现汉语原文中隐喻特性的途径。 本研究首先回顾了隐喻和《庄子》的研究现状,接着,对概念隐喻理论和图式理论的主要内容进行了介绍,同时,阐述了两者运用于隐喻翻译分析的可行性。概念隐喻理论认为,隐喻源自人们的涉身体验,隐喻通过从来源域到目标域的跨域映射得以生成,其本质是一种认知行为而非修辞手段。该理论有助于实现对隐喻的透彻解读。图式理论认为,读者在阅读过程中,通过语言、形式、内容和文化图式来理解文本。在翻译过程中,译者作为原文的读者和译文的预设读者,也会运用到以上四个图式。该理论有利于译者全面解读原文内涵和把握译文的恰当性。因此,运用概念隐喻理论和图式理论,对《庄子》原文中的隐喻及其英译进行分析是具有建设性的尝试。作者分别选取汪榕培、梅维恒和沃森的三个典型英译本,将《庄子》全文的隐喻按其所涉主题分成七类,以再现原文的隐喻性为原则,运用概念隐喻理论和图式理论,对《庄子》三个英译本中的隐喻译文进行全面分析。通过对比分析,发现汪榕培更注重《庄子》哲学内涵的译介,译文中多使用意译,释义;梅维恒倾向于使用归化策略以利于目标语读者对其译文的理解;沃森则较为贴切地传达了原文的隐喻特征。但每个译本皆存在一些翻译不当的现象。 论文作者主张本国译者在英译带有隐喻特征的汉语文学作品时,可通过对原文隐喻的认知解读,从四个图式的层面入手,以此充分建立中西方共有图式的激发点,从而在英译本中再现汉语原文的隐喻特征,同时,又不失原文的精髓。
[Abstract]:The study of metaphor is widely involved in many subjects, especially in the field of cognitive linguistics. However, the study of metaphor and its translation from cognitive perspective is still a new field to be explored. Using conceptual metaphor theory and schema theory, this paper holds that metaphor has a rich experiential basis, and metaphor can be derived from language schema, form schema, and content schema. This paper applies the conceptual metaphor theory and schema theory to the three typical English versions of Chuang-tzu to reproduce the metaphorical features of the original text and try to explore the way to reproduce the metaphorical characteristics in the English version from the cognitive perspective in the four English versions of the text.
This study first reviews the research status of metaphor and < Chuang-tzu >, then introduces the main contents of conceptual metaphor theory and schema theory, and expounds the feasibility of applying both of them to metaphorical translation analysis. The conceptual metaphor theory holds that metaphor is derived from people's experience of body involvement, and metaphor passes through the cross domain from the source domain to the target domain. Mappings are generated by the nature of a cognitive behavior rather than a rhetorical device. This theory helps to realize a thorough interpretation of metaphors. The schema theory holds that the reader understands the text through language, form, content and cultural schema in the reading process. In the process of translation, the translator is also transported as the reader and the presupposed reader of the text. Using the above four schemata, the theory helps translators to fully interpret the original meaning of the original and grasp the appropriateness of the translation. Therefore, the use of conceptual metaphor theory and schema theory is a constructive attempt to analyze the metaphors and their English translation in the original "Chuang-tzu >". The author selects three typical English versions of Wang Rong Pei, meysson and Watson. The metaphor of "Chuang-tzu > full text" is divided into seven categories according to the theme involved in the text. In order to reproduce the metaphorical nature of the original text, we use conceptual metaphor theory and schema theory to make a comprehensive analysis of the metaphorical translations in the three English versions of < Chuang-tzu >. Through comparative analysis, it is found that Wang Rongpei pays more attention to the translation of the philosophical connotation of < Chuang-tzu >, and more use of free translation in the translation. Mei Weiheng tends to use the strategy of naturalization to help the target readers understand their translations; Watson conveys the metaphorical features of the original text more carefully, but there are some improper translation phenomena in each translation.
In this paper, the author of the thesis holds that when the Chinese translators translate the Chinese literary works with metaphorical features in English, we can start with the cognitive interpretation of the original metaphors and start with the four schemata in order to fully establish the inspiring point of the Chinese and Western schemata, thus reproducing the metaphorical features of the Chinese original in the English translation, and at the same time without losing the essence of the original text.



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