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发布时间:2018-05-01 23:13

  本文选题:交替传译 + 释义理论 ; 参考:《广西师范大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:As China has become the second largest economy in the world, China has reached unprecedented breadth and depth in the cause of opening to the outside world. The foreign exchanges and cooperation in the field of education have also increased greatly. The cooperation between universities has become the main body of our exchange in the field of education and foreign affairs. The work of interpreters is becoming more and more recognized. Foreign language interpretation is usually undertaken by English teachers or foreign affairs staff, not professional interpreters. Their quality of policy, translation ability and speech and behavior directly affect the image of the school and the country. Therefore, the difficulties in the interpretation of foreign affairs in Colleges and universities are analyzed and the decision is solved. It is an important task to make the interpretation work of foreign affairs staff to the professional level. This paper is divided into five parts. The first part is a brief introduction of the task, which briefly introduces the background of the author's interpretation task, and the task is special. The second part is the process of interpreting, including pre translation preparation, translation process and post translation evaluation. The third part of the case evaluation is the focus of this report. The author analyzes the examples of this interpretation from five aspects: interpretation theory, translation skills, Chinese culture loaded word translation, place name translation and cross-cultural communication awareness. The fourth part is the problem and the solution, enumerates the problems and improving methods of the translator in the practice of this interpretation. The fifth part is the conclusion part. The author summarizes the quality of the interpreter in the translation work from several aspects of the interpreter's knowledge reserve, the interpretation theory practice, the energy distribution, and the pre translation preparation. Finally, the author emphasizes the universities and colleges. Foreign affairs personnel need to pay attention to the transformation of roles in interpreting work so as to meet the professional requirements of interpreters.



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