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发布时间:2018-05-02 02:40

  本文选题:服装搭配 + 交际翻译 ; 参考:《四川外国语大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:本文是一篇翻译项目报告。翻译项目的原文选自《穿搭宝典:服装设计师的美丽着装秘籍》(How to Get Dressed:A Costume Designer's Secrets for Making Your Clothes Look,Fit,and Feel Amazing)一书中第五章和第六章“打破过时的穿搭规则”和“巧用衣橱工具,打造贴身着装”(Dumb Fashion Rules that Were Made for BreakingWardrobe Tools to Keep You Look Together)。该书由美国时尚设计师艾莉森·弗里尔(Alison Freer)所著,作为入门书籍,简单易懂,十分实用。通过对本书第五,六章的翻译,人们对时尚规则有了不同的认识,日常的时尚灾难更是游刃有余,不必再为如何穿得得体而烦恼。翻译需要处理专业术语,长难句,修辞手法等问题。本翻译报告以纽·马克(Peter Newmark)的交际翻译为理论基础,翻译过程中主要使用词性转换,分译和增译等多种翻译技巧。整个翻译报告有四个章节:第一章简单介绍了翻译报告,第二章分析原文,第三章涉及指导理论,重点分析了翻译过程中遇见重难点及使用的翻译技巧,第四章总结了编写翻译实践报告中的经验和亟待解决的问题。
[Abstract]:This article is a translation project report. The original text of the project is taken from chapters 5 and 6 of how to Get Dressed:A Costume Designer's Secrets for Making Your Clothes look fit and Feel reporting, "Breaking the outdated dress rules" and "using wardrobe tools skillfully," from the book how to Get Dressed:A Costume Designer's Secrets for Making Your Clothes looking for Fitments and Feel Feel. Dumb Fashion Rules that Were Made for BreakingWardrobe Tools to Keep You Look ogetherton. The book, written by American fashion designer Alison Freeran, is easy to understand and practical. Through the translation of chapters 5 and 6 of this book, people have a different understanding of fashion rules, the daily fashion disaster is even more handy, no need to worry about how to dress properly. Translation needs to deal with technical terms, long difficult sentences, rhetorical devices and so on. This translation report is based on Peter Newmark's communicative translation. In the process of translation, various translation techniques, such as part-of-speech conversion, partitioning and adding translation, are used. There are four chapters in the whole translation report: the first chapter briefly introduces the translation report, the second chapter analyzes the original text, and the third chapter deals with the guiding theory, focusing on the analysis of the translation techniques and difficulties encountered in the translation process. Chapter four summarizes the experience and problems that need to be solved in writing translation practice reports.


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