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发布时间:2018-05-02 05:09

  本文选题:交往能力理论 + 翻译主体间性 ; 参考:《哈尔滨理工大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:近年来,随着翻译研究的发展,主体间性这一哲学范畴受到了越来越多的关注,国内国外学者对翻译主体间性进行了不同维度的诠释。哈贝马斯(Habermas,1929)的交往能力理论(communicative competence theory)为主体间性研究提供了新的研究思路。本文根据哈贝马斯的交往能力理论对翻译主体间性在翻译中的作用进行实证研究,以《红楼梦》的正册金陵十二钗判词的两个译本为研究素材,目的在于探讨翻译主体间性问题能否用哈贝马斯的交往能力理论进行有效的解决,并对交往能力理论在翻译实践过程的作用机制进行阐述。本文采用定性研究为主要研究方法。首先,由哈贝马斯交往能力理论的哲学思想展开,阐释交往能力理论的产生及其定义,对国内外学者的研究成果进行文献综述分析,总结出能力的分类及交往能力的功能。论文对翻译主体间性问题也进行了系统性的剖析,分析其产生及特征。随后,作者选取《红楼梦》金陵十二钗判词的杨宪益译本和霍克斯译本作为实证研究对象,来分析主体间性在翻译实践过程的作用机制。最终,在交往能力理论和翻译主体间性理论的支撑之下,作者根据对杨宪益和霍克斯《红楼梦》金陵十二钗判词译本进行文本分析和主体间性分析,归纳总结出交往能力理论对翻译主体间性的启示和实例分析对翻译主体间性的启示。本文以哈贝马斯交往能力理论为主要的理论基础,重新对翻译主体间性进行认识和诠释,由此论证翻译主体间性是翻译过程的自然选择,从而丰富翻译学研究的理论话语,推动翻译主体间性的发展。
[Abstract]:In recent years, with the development of translation studies, more and more attention has been paid to the philosophical category of intersubjectivity, and scholars at home and abroad have interpreted it in different dimensions. Habermasman's communicative competence the Theory of communicative ability (1929) provides a new approach to the study of intersubjectivity. Based on Habermas' communicative competence theory, this paper makes an empirical study on the role of intersubjectivity in translation, and takes two versions of the twelve novice judgments of Jinling in A Dream of Red Mansions as the research material. The aim of this paper is to explore whether the inter-subjectivity problem can be effectively solved by Habermas's communicative competence theory, and to expound the mechanism of communicative competence theory in the process of translation practice. This paper adopts qualitative research as the main research method. First of all, the philosophical thought of Habermas' communicative competence theory is introduced, the origin and definition of communicative competence theory is explained, the literature review and analysis of domestic and foreign scholars' research results are carried out, and the classification of competence and the function of communicative competence are summarized. The thesis also makes a systematic analysis of the problem of intersubjectivity in translation, and analyzes its origin and characteristics. Then, the author chooses Yang Xianyi and Hawkes versions of the twelve nobile judgments of Jinling as the object of empirical study to analyze the mechanism of intersubjectivity in translation practice. Finally, supported by the theory of communicative competence and the theory of intersubjectivity in translation, the author analyzes the text and intersubjectivity of the translations of the twelve noblemen of Jinling by Yang Xianyi and Hawkes in A Dream of Red Mansions. This paper sums up the enlightenment of communicative competence theory to the intersubjectivity of translation and the case study of the theory of communicative competence to the intersubjectivity of translation. Based on Habermas' communicative competence theory, this paper reinterprets the intersubjectivity of translation, thus proves that intersubjectivity is the natural selection of the translation process and enriches the theoretical discourse of translation studies. To promote the development of intersubjectivity in translation.


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