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发布时间:2018-05-02 13:09

  本文选题:百词斩 + 移动学习 ; 参考:《广东技术师范学院》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:With the rapid development of mobile communication technology and the continuous popularization of mobile terminal devices such as smart phones, people's life, learning and entertainment have also undergone earth-shaking changes. Mobile learning as a new type of digital learning mode, In recent years, it has become a hot spot in the field of education. At the same time, with our whole learning career, the effect of classroom teaching has been puzzling people, especially for the secondary vocational students who have poor learning background and weak self-control. The traditional way of learning English has been difficult to arouse their interest. The phenomenon of playing mobile phone, sleeping and chatting in class is common. There is an urgent need for English teachers in secondary vocational schools to think about how to improve the effectiveness of classroom teaching and to innovate English teaching methods. Based on this background, this study explores the application of APP in English vocabulary learning for secondary vocational school students. Firstly, the present situation of mobile learning, mobile foreign language learning and mobile technology applied to English word learning at home and abroad is combed through literature survey, and then, from the perspective of learning strategy and teaching strategy, the author constructs a hundred words chopping application strategy. Finally, a quasi-experimental study on the first year students of Business English in overseas Chinese Vocational and Technical School is carried out to verify the effectiveness of the strategy. The quasi-experimental study adopted the single group pre-test and post-test experimental model and the same group pre-test and post-test experimental model. The experiment was carried out on the third class of business English major in the overseas Chinese vocational and technical school, and the same group experiment was carried out on the first and second classes of the secondary school. Class 1 of the control group was free to use a hundred words chopping APP to learn the word, while class 2 of the experimental group and class 3 of a single group of experiments used 100 words to learn the word under the influence of the strategy of the author. At the end of the quasi experiment, the change trend and application effect of the students' back words were tested by using the same word test as the pre-test, and a questionnaire survey was used to make a deep understanding of the students in the secondary vocational school. The data show that after using 100 words, the effect of back words, interest in learning, autonomous learning ability have been improved. The experimental class (class 2) was significantly better than the control class (class 1) under the influence of the word chopping strategy. There were significant differences in the test scores of class 3 in the single group. At the end of the study, the author puts forward some suggestions to secondary vocational students, teachers and schools, and reflects on this study, in order to improve the following research, and truly integrate the new learning model of classroom teaching and mobile learning. Promote the development of information teaching reform in China.


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