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社会文化语境下The Wealth of Nations汉译本对比研究

发布时间:2018-05-02 14:24

  本文选题:The + Wealth ; 参考:《西北农林科技大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:The Wealth of Nations是西方经济学史上一颗璀璨的明珠。问世以来,便成为各国经济学界寻求治国理财之道的“风向标”。该著作在18世纪已有十个英文版本,并被翻译成十几种文字在全球发行。目前国内仅汉译本的数量已多达37种,相关研究层出不穷。然而,大部分研究拘泥于译本的跨学科研究及意义,甚少给予翻译层面应有的关注。超越语言,把焦点放在翻译和文化的互动以及文化对翻译的影响和限制上的研究更是寥寥无几。The Wealth of Nations的多次复译恰恰可以透露出各个时代的语言、读者要求和总的社会文化情况。针对上述研究存在的不足,本文拟选取The Wealth of Nations三个经典的汉译本作为语料:(1)严复的《原富》;(2)郭大力、王亚南的《国富论》;(3)胡长明的《国富论:强国富民的西方经济学“圣经”》。从社会文化语境视角入手,着重探讨和分析译者所处时代的社会文化语境,及其与各个译本呈现出来的不同翻译现象和翻译特点之间存在的关联。即译者在社会文化语境的指导下,如何实现原文的重构。此研究为翻译从来不是在真空下进行的,译者的翻译行为会不可避免地打上其所处时代社会文化语境的烙印提供了实践支撑。译者在社会文化语境的影响下,一般会通过“过滤”、“提纯”等手段对文本进行“改写”,以适应其所处时代的历史背景、意识形态、文学传统、译语读者的期待等。本论文共分为六章。第一章为引言,介绍研究背景、目的与意义、问题与方法及论文框架。第二章为文献综述,简要概述The Wealth of Nations汉译本概况,分析国内汉译研究现状,指出现有研究存在局限。第三章为理论框架,基于已有社会文化层面语境研究,结合学界社会文化语境分类,提炼出了社会文化语境内涵及包含因素。第四章和第五章为全文的核心部分,着重研究各汉译本所处时代的历史背景、意识形态和文学传统,并试图借此来解释各译本呈现出的不同翻译现象,如翻译方法的采用,语言特点的呈现。第六章为结论,指出翻译是译者在所处特定社会文化语境下,对原文进行的改写。本研究为以后The Wealth of Nations汉译研究打下了材料基础,也为日后经典著作的重译研究提供了理论上的解释,一定程度上深化了翻译研究的现实意义。
[Abstract]:The Wealth of Nations is a bright pearl in the history of western economics. Since it came into being, it has become the vane of the economic circles of various countries to seek the way of governing and managing financial affairs. The book has been in ten English versions in the 18 th century and has been translated into more than a dozen languages for global distribution. At present, there are as many as 37 kinds of Chinese translations in China. However, most of the studies focus on the interdisciplinary study and significance of the translation, and pay little attention to the translation level. Beyond language, the focus is on the interaction between translation and culture and the influence and limitation of culture on translation. The repeated retranslation of the Wealth of Nations can reveal the language of every era. Reader requirements and general sociocultural information. In view of the shortcomings of the above studies, this paper intends to select three classic Chinese versions of The Wealth of Nations as the corpus of: 1) Yan Fu's "the original Rich" and "Guan2"). Wang Yannan's Wealth of Nations. 3) Hu Changming's Wealth of Nations: the Bible of Western Economics. From the perspective of sociocultural context, this paper focuses on the discussion and analysis of the sociocultural context of the translator's time, and the relationship between the sociocultural context and the different translation phenomena and characteristics of each translation. Under the guidance of social and cultural context, the translator reconstructs the original text. This study provides practical support for translation, which has never been carried out in a vacuum, and the translator's translation behavior will inevitably be branded as the social and cultural context of his or her time. Under the influence of the social and cultural context, the translator will adapt the text to the historical background, ideology, literary tradition and the expectations of the target readers through the means of "filtering" and "purifying" to adapt to the historical background, ideology, literary tradition, and so on. This thesis is divided into six chapters. The first chapter introduces the background, purpose and significance, problems and methods, and the framework of the paper. The second chapter is a literature review, a brief overview of the Chinese translation of The Wealth of Nations, an analysis of the current situation of Chinese translation studies in China, and the limitations of the existing studies. The third chapter is the theoretical framework, based on the existing sociocultural context research, combined with the academic social and cultural context classification, extracted the connotation of social and cultural context and the factors involved. The fourth and fifth chapters are the core parts of the thesis, which focus on the historical background, ideology and literary tradition of the times in which the Chinese versions are translated, and try to explain the different translation phenomena, such as the use of translation methods. The presentation of language characteristics. Chapter six concludes that translation is a rewriting of the original text in the specific sociocultural context. This study not only lays a material foundation for the study of The Wealth of Nations, but also provides a theoretical explanation for the study of retranslation of classical works in the future. To a certain extent, it deepens the practical significance of translation studies.


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