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发布时间:2018-05-02 16:13

  本文选题:小学 + 英语 ; 参考:《山东师范大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Teacher talk in English classroom has a special meaning and plays a dual role in class. It is not only the medium language used by teachers in English teaching, but also the target language for students to learn. It not only helps teachers organize teaching, but also provides a model for students to acquire language. Whether teacher talk is effective or not has a direct impact on whether classroom teaching can promote students' learning, especially to help students construct knowledge. Therefore, the study of teacher talk can help us better understand the actual situation of classroom teaching and provide a strong basis for us to study the development of teachers. Based on the validity of teacher talk, this study analyzes the teacher discourse in primary school from the perspective of quantity and quality, in order to better understand the quality and effect of teacher talk, improve the classroom relationship between teachers and students, improve teaching methods, and realize efficient classroom teaching. In this paper, the author will adopt the method of classroom observation and the combination of qualitative and quantitative methods to record and study the 18 classes of four English teachers in our school in order to solve the following three problems. That is, what are the types of teacher talk in primary English classroom? What are the problems in primary school English teacher talk? How to improve the effectiveness of teacher talk? According to the different types of teacher discourse, this study focuses on the teachers' questioning language, instruction language and evaluation language, and makes a case study of teachers to summarize the problems that teachers should pay attention to. The author draws lessons from the previous experience and practice in front of the teaching line, and holds that in studying the validity of teacher discourse, we should not only consider the authenticity, interactivity, logicality and normality of the classroom discourse of English teachers, but also consider the validity of the classroom discourse of English teachers. Attention should also be paid to the stage characteristics of teacher talk. The author analyzes and compares the six teachers' classroom language, and finds that the following problems have a high incidence. Firstly, there are some languages that teachers use in real language communication in terms of the authenticity of the teacher's classroom discourse. Secondly, in the aspect of interaction, there are some problems, such as the teacher can't provide feedback in time when students make mistakes, they can't allocate the round reasonably, the interaction between teachers and students is not high, or the bilateral communication is not smooth, and so on. Thirdly, in the aspect of logic, some teachers have no necessary logical relation or inconsistency between several adjacent sentences, and the teachers insert the content outside the topic in the process of speaking. Fourthly, in the normative aspect, the teacher's pronunciation and intonation are inaccurate, sometimes wrong grammar, the teacher's command language is not clear, the language is redundant, and the language that does not accord with the students' actual language level is used. Fifth, in the aspect of stages, teachers' discourse does not accord with the students' age characteristics, such as using abstract words, which is beyond the level of students' cognition, which causes trouble to students' understanding. In view of this, the author puts forward the improvement strategies of primary school English teachers' discourse. Firstly, teachers should carefully design the classroom discourse, and the teacher's discourse should be true, concise and vivid, in line with the pupils' cognitive level and personality characteristics. Second, we should be good at learning and improve the effectiveness of teacher talk. Third, try to use prosodic language to improve the interest of teacher talk. Fourth, it is necessary to provide more open questions, to achieve the diversity of teacher discourse. Standardized, concise, logical, interesting and diversified teacher talk is the direction of primary school English teachers' efforts in the future.


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