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发布时间:2018-05-03 04:37

  本文选题:高职院校 + 英语教师 ; 参考:《教育与职业》2017年01期

[Abstract]:As an important course to cultivate the practical ability of higher vocational students, public English should not only consolidate the students' basic knowledge through teaching, but also highlight the professional characteristics of higher vocational education, and require teachers to have solid theoretical teaching ability. The rich practical teaching experience, as well as the teaching design and scientific research level in line with the needs of the society, in order to cultivate the complex talents who adapt to the social competition. Therefore, the construction of English teachers in higher vocational colleges should establish a long-term vocational training mechanism, maintain the teaching standard, and construct a teacher echelon.
【作者单位】: 北华大学师范分院;


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