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发布时间:2018-05-03 08:22

  本文选题:生态视域 + 商务翻译 ; 参考:《高等职业教育(天津职业大学学报)》2016年05期

[Abstract]:Under the background of "Internet", with the development of business English related business style and the change of translation practice field, the ecology of business English translation teaching has changed greatly. In order to adapt to these changes, it is necessary to study the ways to improve professional competence in business English translation from an ecological perspective. From the perspective of ecology, this paper analyzes the characteristics of the English translation teaching model, and puts forward the enlightenment of the model to the study of the career competence improvement of domestic business translation from the aspects of teaching content, organizational form and translation technology.
【作者单位】: 浙江金融职业学院;


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