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发布时间:2018-05-04 00:03

  本文选题:词汇教学 + 导学案教学模式 ; 参考:《内蒙古师范大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:English plays an increasingly important role in modern society and has become one of the most important courses in school teaching. As one of the three major elements of language (phonetics, vocabulary, grammar), vocabulary is the building material of language, the pillar of language, and the prerequisite and foundation for the development of other language abilities. It plays an important role and is the core part of the school English teaching. The proportion of English vocabulary in the college entrance examination is also sufficient to indicate its importance. This means that we should put forward higher requirements for the teaching of English vocabulary. However, the traditional English vocabulary teaching class is centered on teachers and teachers spend most of their time on knowledge. In the explanation of the knowledge, the students' self-learning ability is neglected. The students are only passive recipients, they are not very well involved in the whole vocabulary teaching process. Finally, they gradually lose interest in English, so vocabulary learning has become a stumbling block in many students' learning process. In order to solve this problem, the author puts forward a guide case teaching. The study model is applied to high school English vocabulary teaching to change the attitude of vocabulary learning, to cultivate their vocabulary learning interest, to master some vocabulary learning strategies, to improve the efficiency of vocabulary learning and to improve vocabulary achievement. The paper aims to apply the teaching model of guide case to high school English through teaching experiment research and questionnaire. In vocabulary teaching, the students' interest in vocabulary learning is stimulated, some strategies for learning vocabulary and the improvement of vocabulary performance are mastered. The experiment involves 120 students in two classes, and the experiment lasted for one semester. The experimental tools used in the experiment, such as questionnaire, pre test and post test, have been carefully collected and analyzed through the experimental data. In one semester's teaching experiments, the vocabulary scores of the students in the experimental class have been greatly improved. This shows that the teaching model of the guide case is an effective way to improve the students' ability to learn English vocabulary. The paper includes five chapters. The first chapter introduces the importance of English and English Vocabulary and the current teaching of English vocabulary in high school. The present situation, and provides the background for the teaching research. The second chapter is the literature review. It involves the definition of the vocabulary teaching and the guidance case, the theoretical basis and the study of the guidance case. The third chapter gives a detailed description of the experiment. The fourth chapter is the collection and analysis of the experimental data. The fifth chapter is a summary of the teaching experiments. This part includes the part. The main findings of the experiment and the limitations of the experiment.



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