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发布时间:2018-05-06 01:17

  本文选题:社会文化理论 + 高中阅读教学 ; 参考:《宁波大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:English reading teaching has always been an important task in the middle school English classroom. Undoubtedly, it is very important for the high school students to develop their reading ability. However, there are still many problems in the classroom of English reading teaching, such as the teaching design tends to be programmed and stylized, the students' reading experience process is neglected, and the teachers' problem design is lack of scientific nature, which hinders the students' reading process. Make students lose interest in reading; mechanical reading process can not enable students to internalize and output text language. All of these have had a serious negative impact on the teaching effect of English reading class. Based on sociocultural theory, cooperative learning theory, second language acquisition theory and schema reading theory, this paper analyzes the connotation and characteristics of English reading teaching in senior high school from the perspective of sociocultural theory. In order to explore the effective ways of English reading teaching in senior high school from the perspective of sociocultural theory, this paper makes an action study on class A of L Middle School in Ningbo City by means of questionnaire investigation. This paper can be divided into three parts: the first part is the first three chapters, which is the theoretical basis of this study. The first chapter mainly introduces the background, research purpose and significance, research methods. The second chapter introduces the research on reading teaching and sociocultural theory in senior high school at home and abroad, including reading connotation, reading teaching mode, reading strategy and foreign language teaching research based on social culture theory. The third chapter is the theoretical basis. Based on the sociocultural theory, cooperative learning theory, second language acquisition theory and schema reading theory, this study seeks theoretical support for the study of English reading teaching in senior high schools. The second part is the fourth, fifth and sixth chapters of the thesis, which is the main content of this study. The fourth chapter puts forward the connotation of English reading teaching in senior high school from the perspective of sociocultural theory: it is based on teacher-student, student-student dialogue, and promotes the dialogue between students and texts step by step under the guidance of teachers. Finally, it analyses the characteristics of English reading teaching in senior high school from the perspective of sociocultural theory: situational, cooperative, critical, reflective and generative. The fifth chapter is the plan and implementation of action research. The author collects information through classroom observation, interview, questionnaire and so on. A four-month action study was conducted in Ningbo L Middle School (three rounds) to demonstrate the continuous improvement and improvement of reading teaching activities in the English classroom. The sixth chapter is the research recommendations, on the basis of the above, put forward the strategy of optimizing English reading teaching in senior high school. The third part is the seventh chapter of the thesis, which is the conclusion part, mainly reflects on the shortcomings of this study and prospects for the future. This paper hopes to help more English educators to understand the theory of social culture through the research of reading teaching in senior high school from the perspective of sociocultural theory, and to carry out the teaching of English reading in senior high school under the guidance of the theory, and to optimize the teaching situation in the classroom.


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