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发布时间:2018-05-06 06:42

  本文选题:多模态理论 + 初中英语词汇 ; 参考:《海南师范大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Vocabulary is an important foundation of language learning and an important part of improving English language comprehensive ability. In English learning, the mastery and improvement of listening, speaking, reading, writing and other skills need to be based on a rich vocabulary. With the advent of the information society and the reform of English teaching requirements, the traditional single-mode vocabulary teaching model can no longer adapt to the development of the times. With the support of multimedia technology, the new teaching model, represented by multi-modal theory, has been paid more and more attention. In this model, most of the information in English vocabulary teaching activities is transmitted in multimodal mode. Based on the curriculum standards of English teaching, the author makes a preliminary empirical study on the feasibility and effectiveness of using multi-modal vocabulary teaching in junior high school English teaching. Based on the multi-modal theoretical framework and research results at home and abroad, the author explores the construction of a "multi-modal vocabulary teaching model" suitable for junior middle school English classroom, and applies it to teaching practice. The teaching experiment lasted for 13 weeks. First, the author interviewed experienced English teachers to find out the situation of English vocabulary teaching in the school. The subjects of the study were the students in the eighth grade and two classes of a certain experimental school in Haikou. According to the total score of vocabulary part in the final test of last semester, we selected some students (33 students in class 8 / 10 and 30 students in class 8 / 11) who had similar scores of vocabulary scores in the two classes as the object of the study. Then, by analyzing the pre-test, the author verifies that the lexical level of the two classes is the same. After that, the teaching experiment is carried out with the approval of the teacher. The author selects a number of texts with different subjects from the textbook of the eighth grade (first) edition of junior high school. After careful analysis of the text, the author designs the corresponding traditional teaching plan and the multi-modal vocabulary teaching plan and puts them into practice. In the experiment, class 8: 10) is used as control class, traditional vocabulary teaching mode is adopted, and class 8: 11) is used as experimental class, adopting multi-modal vocabulary teaching mode. After the end of the teaching, the vocabulary post-test test was carried out, and the test results were all entered into the SPSS17.0 software, and the data were compared to analyze the influence of the two teaching models on the students' vocabulary acquisition effect. After that, the author sent out a questionnaire to the students in the experimental class to investigate the effect feedback and support degree of the multi-modal teaching model. Finally, the experimental data are analyzed and the conclusion is drawn. The results show that the "multi-modal vocabulary teaching model" constructed by the author has an advantage over the traditional single-mode vocabulary teaching model, and the effect of vocabulary acquisition by junior high school students under the multi-modal vocabulary teaching model is remarkable. According to the experimental results, multi-modal teaching improves the students' learning effect and achievement, and from the feedback of the questionnaire, the multi-modal teaching improves the students' interest and enthusiasm. This study provides a new way of thinking for the innovation of English vocabulary teaching in junior high school and an empirical basis for first-line teachers to try new models in classroom teaching, which is helpful to increase the effectiveness and interest of classroom teaching. Help junior high school students to learn and remember English vocabulary.


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