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发布时间:2018-05-06 11:47

  本文选题:语块 + 语感 ; 参考:《长江大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:In the process of two language acquisition, reading is an extremely important learning way to acquire knowledge. Reading ability is also an important part of English teaching. In the course of teaching, students' reading ability is generally weak. On the one hand, most students focus on vocabulary and grammar, on the other hand, students lack one. Set of reading skills. Lexical and grammatical features are also characterized by chunks. Learners do not have to store and extract the whole by grammatical rules. Chunks can help to accelerate the process of language processing, help learners to understand their language and improve their English level. Therefore, chunks are teaching and learning English. In recent years, the study of lexical chunks has become more and more important in the linguistic field. More and more scholars and educators have begun to study chunks from different angles and have obtained more fruitful research results. The current domestic research on chunks mainly focuses on block and writing, block and spoken language. On the other hand, the study of the relevance between block and reading can be further studied. The sense of language is a vague concept, a feeling and a perception. It is the direct reaction of the objective world in the human brain. The sense of language is the perception of the English language. The use of the language sense in the field of teaching has also been learned. In this study, we will focus on the language phenomenon in this study, and the learners have a certain sense of perception (sense of language) to the block in order to have the ability to recognize the block. Then, we can then connect with reading to explore whether there is a phase between the learner's ability to recognize the block and the ability to read and understand. The purpose of this study is to explore and analyze the reasons. Through this experiment, this paper aims to answer three questions: (1) whether the learners have the ability to recognize the chunks in reading, and what types of chunks are easier to be identified? (2) does the learner have a relevance to the recognition and reading ability of the language? The object of this study is the English of Yangtze University. Students of two parallel classes in first grade. This study involves three tasks. The first task is that participants first do a test of block recognition. They need to divide the language points according to their own perception. The second task is to complete the test of the block recognition. After the completion of the block identification test, two more difficult reading comprehension tests are completed. One is arranged in the form of the normal language block, the other is arranged by the irregular block (block of language), and the completion of the two classes is counted. The third task is to select some students randomly. The following conclusions are obtained: (1) the learners perceive and identify the chunks in the reading process, mainly identifying the aggregate words and collocational words; (2) the learners have a strong correlation with the reading ability of the chunks and the reading ability, that is, the more blocks and the reading ability is better, the better reading ability is better. This article consists of five chapters. The first chapter mainly introduces the research background, the significance, the purpose and the structure of the whole paper. The second chapter mainly introduces the discourse and language sense, and the research summarization of the block recognition and reading at home and abroad, including some basic concepts, such as the definition of language sense and block, and the characteristics of the sense of language. At the same time, this chapter also involves the description of the sense of language and the definition and function of the block and the definition of reading. The third chapter introduces the research issues in the experiment, the research object, the research tools and the research steps. And the detailed description of how to collect data and analyze the data is described in detail. In the fourth chapter, the data collected in the experiment are analyzed in detail, and the needles are analyzed in detail. The fifth chapter summarizes the main achievements of this study, puts forward some enlightenment to the teaching, points out the shortcomings of this study and puts forward some suggestions for the future research.



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