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发布时间:2018-05-08 01:03

  本文选题:兮字 + 屈赋 ; 参考:《湖北工业大学》2016年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Culture is the blood of a nation, as an important part of culture, it is the crystallization of wisdom. The translation of Chinese classics is an important step towards the world of Chinese culture. Chu ci, with qu Yuan Fu as the outstanding representative, is the bright pearl of the excellent traditional culture of the Chinese nation. Qu Yuan is one of the four great cultural celebrities in the world, whose works have a profound influence on later generations. Qu Yuan's creation of Fu, unique form, sound and meaning and beauty, rhythm smooth and emotional rich. Qu Fuzhong's most characteristic word is "Xi", which is the most frequently used, and it is also an indispensable part of the elegant and flexible sentence pattern of "Xi". Scholars of all dynasties have done a lot of research on qu Fuzhong's word "Xi", and think that "Xi" character has certain emotional function, grammatical function and aesthetic function. According to the position and function of "Xi", this paper divides qu Fuzhong's "Xi" into three typical sentence patterns: "Orange Ode", "Nine songs" and "Li Sao". The characters of "Xi" in each kind of sentence have different functions, so we should adopt appropriate translation strategies in order to preserve the features of the poetry to the maximum extent. Xi is the soul of qu Fu, and its translation is necessary. The purpose of this paper is to find a suitable translation strategy to show qu Fuzhong's word "Xi". Under the guidance of the functional equivalence theory of translation, from the mark-up of Sao style poems, combining with the existing research results of "Xi", this paper interprets the existing versions of qu Fu by means of comparative analysis to make up for each other's weaknesses. Then, according to its function of "Xi" to find out the most appropriate translation strategy. Qu Fu's research has made great achievements, but the study of the word "Xi" has been relatively few, and these research results have not been applied to translation in time. Qu Fu has the characteristics of religious literature and Chu culture, and the translation criteria of classical books, especially poetry, are difficult to determine, so the translation of qu Fu brings great challenges to translators. It is a new attempt to cut in the word "Xi", from word to sentence to Sao style, to arrange and study the existing versions, and to apply the in-depth research results of domestic scholars to translation in order to find the most suitable translation strategy. To restore the charm of qu Fu to the greatest extent, further excavate and carry forward the excellent traditional culture of China, and promote the comprehensive development of the study of Chu ci.


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