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发布时间:2018-05-11 11:12

  本文选题:课堂话语 + 教师角色 ; 参考:《洛阳师范学院》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:In English teaching, teachers' classroom discourse is the language used by teachers in carrying out classroom activities, and it is an important means for teachers to realize their classroom roles. The classroom is the main way for students to learn English and use English in the Chinese context in our country. The teacher's classroom discourse is closely related to their classroom behavior and embodies the teacher's educational concept and cognition of his own role. Therefore, teachers' classroom discourse plays an important role in English teaching, so it is necessary to study it. The purpose of this study is to study the classroom discourse of English teachers in junior high school, based on a large number of classroom observations, after-school interviews and questionnaires. Based on Fairclaw's theory of three-dimensional discourse mode and the theory of social culture derived from Vygotsky's theory of psychological development, this paper makes a thorough analysis of the process of dynamic construction of teacher's role in English teachers' classroom discourse. It presents the characteristics of middle school English teachers' classroom discourse and the teacher's role constructed by their classroom discourse. Due to the mediating and dynamic nature of classroom discourse, teachers' classroom roles are not fixed. In different teaching situations, teachers' roles can be divided into teachers, promoters, consultants and organizers. The present study uses classroom observation and interviews to understand the current use of English teachers' classroom discourse and a questionnaire to help them understand the construction process of the four teacher roles from the perspective of students. This paper finds that English teachers in junior high school can constantly adjust and reposition their roles in classroom teaching, and realize the evolution of teachers' roles from static to dynamic, from a single type to a diversified one. Through classroom discourse, teachers convey emotional messages of kindness, trust and respect to students and create a dialogue atmosphere of equality, democracy and harmony. At the same time, teachers should promote students' self-awareness, cultural awareness and cross-cultural communication ability to promote the socialization of students. Finally, through the three dimensional discourse model of Falcrow, taking the actual classroom as the origin, the author studies the teacher's role from the perspective of teacher's classroom discourse, which is helpful for teachers to reflect on the quality of their own classroom discourse in time, so as to guide the teaching practice. The purpose of optimizing teaching effect.


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