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发布时间:2018-05-12 14:30

  本文选题:初中 + 教师反馈与自动反馈结合 ; 参考:《西华大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:作为过程教学法的关键环节,反馈已经成为外语教学研究领域的热点。随着科技的进步,英语写作教学中一种新型的反馈方式—在线自动反馈应运而生。与国外相比,国内对于在线自动反馈的研究还存在很多不足:首先,综述分析比较多,实证研究相对较少;其次,研究对象有限,研究对象多集中于大学生,很少有针对初高中学生的研究,尤其是初中学生;再次,很多研究直接采用国外的评改软件,这使得研究结果的信度和效度等方面可能存在问题;此外,教师反馈与自动反馈相结合的模式与其它模式的对比研究还比较少。基于以上问题,本研究以初中学生为研究对象,将国内自主研发的句酷批改软件和教师反馈相结合进行研究分析,探求自动反馈与教师反馈相结合的模式在作文批改中的有效性和学生的接受程度。主要研究问题如下:(1)自动反馈与教师反馈相结合的模式,对初中学生英语写作有什么影响?(2)学生是否接受或认可教师反馈与自动反馈相结合的教学模式?本次研究在输出假说与互动假说的基础上,以整体评分和分项评分为标准,研究教师反馈与自动反馈相结合的模式对初中生写作水平的影响。笔者从山东济南第三十七中学随机挑选两个平行班参与实验,分别作为实验班和对照班。两个班共有78名学生(实验班37名,控制班41名)。教学实验时间为期十六周。实验班实行教师反馈与自动反馈相结合的写作教学模式,对照班采用自动反馈教学。研究通过SPSS 22.0进行独立样本T检验和配对样本T检验分析实验结果。通过横向与纵向数据对比分析结果,得出以下结论:(1)当前的初中英语写作教学偏传统化,学生的英语写作水平较低。(2)实验班学生的英语写作能力有明显提高,表现在词汇、语法、内容及组织结构四个方面。具体来说,实验班学生的内容和组织结构方面提高较为明显,而对照班的词汇和语法有所提高,作文组织方面稍有退步。(3)实验班和对照班学生对英语写作中的自动反馈持肯定态度,尤其是自动反馈和教师反馈的结合。本研究对于在线自动反馈软件,尤其是句酷批改软件在初中学生中的应用具有现实的指导意义,为一线教师提供借鉴与思路。教师在初中学生的作文评改中应该认识到教师反馈以及自动反馈的优势与不足,并发挥各自所长,相互配合。从而使学生的写作反馈效率更高,更易于被学生重视和采纳,同时激发学生在英语写作方面的学习兴趣。
[Abstract]:As a key link in process teaching, feedback has become a hot topic in foreign language teaching. With the development of science and technology, a new type of feedback in English writing teaching, online automatic feedback, emerges as the times require. Compared with foreign countries, domestic research on online automatic feedback still has a lot of shortcomings: first, there are more summary and analysis, empirical research is relatively small; secondly, the research object is limited, the research object is mostly focused on college students. There are few studies on junior high school students, especially junior high school students. Thirdly, many studies directly use foreign evaluation software, which makes the reliability and validity of the results of the research possible problems; in addition, The comparison between teacher feedback and automatic feedback is less. Based on the above problems, this study takes junior middle school students as the research object, combining the domestic self-developed sentence correction software and teacher feedback for research and analysis. This paper explores the effectiveness of the combination of automatic feedback and teacher feedback in composition correction and the acceptance of students. The main research questions are as follows: 1) how does the combination of automatic feedback and teacher feedback affect junior high school students' English writing? (2) does the student accept or approve the teaching mode of combining teacher feedback with automatic feedback? On the basis of the output hypothesis and interaction hypothesis, this study studies the effect of teacher feedback and automatic feedback on junior high school students' writing ability according to the criteria of overall score and sub-score. The author chooses two parallel classes randomly from Jinan No. 37 Middle School in Shandong Province to participate in the experiment, respectively as the experimental class and the control class. The two classes have 78 students (37 in the experimental class and 41 in the control class). The teaching experiment lasted for 16 weeks. The experimental class adopts the teaching mode of combining teacher feedback with automatic feedback, while the control class adopts automatic feedback teaching. The results of independent sample T test and paired sample T test analysis by SPSS 22. 0 were studied. Based on the analysis of horizontal and vertical data, the following conclusions are drawn: 1) the current teaching of English writing in junior high school is more traditional, and the students' English writing level is lower. 2) the students' English writing ability in the experimental class has been improved obviously, which is manifested in vocabulary. Grammar, content and organizational structure. Specifically, the content and organizational structure of the students in the experimental class were improved significantly, while the vocabulary and grammar of the control class were improved. The students of the experimental class and the control class have a positive attitude towards the automatic feedback in English writing, especially the combination of automatic feedback and teacher feedback. This research has practical guiding significance for the application of online automatic feedback software, especially the application of sentence cool correction software in junior middle school students, and provides reference and train of thought for front-line teachers. Teachers should recognize the advantages and disadvantages of teacher feedback and automatic feedback in the composition evaluation of junior middle school students, and give full play to their respective strengths and cooperate with each other. Thus, the students' writing feedback is more efficient, easier to be valued and adopted by students, and at the same time, it can stimulate students' interest in English writing.


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