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发布时间:2018-05-12 15:53

  本文选题:话语标记语 + well ; 参考:《吉林大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:话语标记语是言语交际中常见的语言现象,是说话人为引导和制约听话人正确理解其话语含义而使用的语言表达形式,例如I mean,I think,well以及you know等。近三十年来,随着语用学的兴起与发展,话语标记语得到了国内外语用学界的广泛关注,学者们从不同角度对其进行了研究。其中,话语标记语well可以说收获了最多的关注。本文采用语料库文本分析的方法,在关联理论为理论框架下,进行定量研究和定性研究。本文旨在对英语母语者和中国英语学习者在话语标记语well的语用功能和句法位置使用方面的异同进行对比分析,同时探索二者在使用上产生差异的原因以及对中国英语口语教学的启示。本文选取的英语母语者口语语料库为圣塔芭芭拉美国英语口语语料库,中国英语学习者口语语料库为中国学生英语口语语料库。通过数据库检索软件WordSmith Tools检索出两个语料库中所有使用well的语料,然后按照well作为话语标记语时发挥的语用功能和所处的句法位置的不同进行标记、分类和统计,通过定性分析获得结论。研究结果显示:(1)从话语标记语well的语用功能方面来说,中国英语学习者对其使用频次及灵活性都不如英语母语者。(2)从well的句法位置方面来说,中国英语学习者和英语母语者的使用习惯基本一致,都是大多数情况下将其置于句首,但中国英语学习者对well所处不同句法位置体现的对应语用功能仍缺少了解。本文尝试从中国英语学习者语言输入与输出不足、母语负迁移以及语用石化等角度分析这些差异产生的原因。这一研究也对中国英语教学产生一定的启示意义,如何避免上述现象,从而在英语教学中指导学习者准确高效地习得并且在言语交际中恰当地使用话语标记语,也将成为未来英语教学中不容忽视的话题。在结论部分,本文依据研究结果总结启示,同时指出本研究的不足之处,并对进一步的研究提出建议。
[Abstract]:Discourse markers are a common linguistic phenomenon in verbal communication. They are the linguistic expressions used by the speaker to guide and restrict the hearer to understand the meaning of their utterance correctly, such as I mean I thinkwell and you know. In the past 30 years, with the rise and development of pragmatics, discourse markers have received extensive attention from the pragmatic circles both at home and abroad, and scholars have studied them from different angles. Among them, the discourse marker well can be said to gain the most attention. This paper adopts the method of corpus text analysis to carry out quantitative and qualitative research under the framework of relevance theory. This paper aims to analyze the similarities and differences between native English speakers and Chinese English learners in the pragmatic functions and syntactic position use of discourse marker (well). At the same time, the author explores the reasons for the difference in the use of the two methods and their implications for oral English teaching in China. The spoken English corpus of native speakers is Santa Barbara's American spoken English Corpus, and the Chinese Learners' Oral Corpus is the Chinese students' Oral English Corpus. The database retrieval software WordSmith Tools was used to retrieve all the data from the two corpora using well, and then marked, classified and counted according to the different pragmatic functions and syntactic positions of well as discourse markers. The conclusion is obtained by qualitative analysis. The results show that: 1) in terms of the pragmatic functions of the discourse marker well, Chinese EFL learners' use frequency and flexibility are not as good as that of native English speakers. (2) from the perspective of the syntactic position of well, Chinese EFL learners are not as good as their English counterparts in terms of their syntactic position. The usage habits of Chinese English learners and native English speakers are basically the same, and most of them are placed at the beginning of sentences. However, Chinese English learners still lack a good understanding of the corresponding pragmatic functions embodied in the different syntactic positions of well. This paper attempts to analyze the causes of these differences from the perspectives of Chinese EFL learners' insufficient input and output, negative transfer of their mother tongue and pragmatic fossilization. This study also has some implications for Chinese English teaching, how to avoid the above phenomenon, so as to guide learners to acquire accurately and efficiently and use discourse markers properly in verbal communication. Also will become the future English teaching topic which cannot be ignored. In the conclusion part, this paper summarizes the enlightenment according to the research results, and points out the shortcomings of this study, and puts forward some suggestions for further research.


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