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发布时间:2018-05-13 05:19

  本文选题:《清明》 + 中国古诗词 ; 参考:《语文建设》2017年17期

[Abstract]:The artistic conception is a unique aesthetic angle of ancient Chinese poetry with a typical national color. It is not only the center of the creation of Chinese ancient poetry but also the aesthetic standard of Chinese classical poetry. The artistic conception created by poetry conveys vague beauty in certain language and brings endless imagination and inspiration to readers. However, the differences in cultural backgrounds between the East and the West make various artistic conceptions difficult and important in translation. By comparing and analyzing the differences in terms and expressions in du Mu's English version of Qingming, this paper shows that artistic conception of Chinese poetry plays a key role in translation. Introduction to the Qingming Festival and its artistic Conception du Mu was born in the late Tang Dynasty and is famous
【作者单位】: 河南郑州成功财经学院;


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