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发布时间:2018-05-15 18:14

  本文选题:原型与范畴理论 + 多义词 ; 参考:《外国语文研究》2016年06期

[Abstract]:Based on the theory of primitive type and category in cognitive linguistics, this study investigates the semantic acquisition of polysemous word HIGH by Chinese and English translation from three different levels of subjects. It is found that the acquisition of polysemous meaning has little to do with English proficiency, and the level of semantic acquisition does not increase with the improvement of English proficiency. There will also be a gradual decline. (2) the subjects' acquisition of the HIGH meanings of polysemous words is not balanced, and the core and high frequency meanings are better than the marginal ones) with the improvement of their English proficiency. The acquisition of polysemous HIGH meanings is increasing, and the difficulties of unlearned meanings are decreasing. From the perspective of cognitive linguistics, English-Chinese contrast and second language acquisition, the study also analyzes the overall acquisition of polysemous word HIGH among college students in order to provide some enlightenment to the teaching of second language vocabulary.
【作者单位】: 宁波大学外国语学院;


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