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发布时间:2018-05-16 23:03

  本文选题:游戏本地化 + 交际翻译 ; 参考:《四川外国语大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:本翻译报告原文选自《游戏本地化:以全球数字娱乐业为背景的翻译研究》(Game Localization:Translation for the Global Digital Entertainment Industry),该书的作者米纳科·奥黑根(Minako O’Hagan)和卡门·曼吉罗(Carmen Mangiron),他们是都柏林城市大学和巴塞罗那自治大学的教授。一直以来与游戏本地化有关的翻译问题都处于研究的边缘地带,国内涉及到游戏本地化的参考书寥寥无几,更别提翻译学视角下的游戏本地化研究专著了。本书的两位作者均是多媒体本地化方面的专家,著有多部专著和论文,书中运用了大量案例进行讲解,若能够成功翻译,不仅会为游戏^u发商、出版商和译员,甚至是游戏迷带来很大启发,而且对于整个本地化行业的运作也有很大的借鉴意义。作为一本参考书,翻译、游戏、本地化、计算机等方面的专业术语随处可见,而且多长难句,语言比较正式,且充满逻辑。结合原文特点,在文本类型和交际翻译理论的指导下,主要运用术语翻译之约定俗成译法和直译、分译、重组、词性转换、正反译法、词语转句子等翻译方法完成了译文。整个翻译报告包括五个部分:第一部分扼要介绍了翻译报告,第二部分分析了原文,第三部分阐述了指导理论,第四部分则对翻译过程中的难点和解决办法进行了重点分析,第五部分为总结。
[Abstract]:"Game Localization:Translation for the Global Digital Entertainment Industry," by Minako OHagan, author of Game Localization:Translation for the Global Digital Entertainment Industry, and Carmen Mangirong, Carmen Mangirong, by Carmen Mangirong, author of this translation report from Localization of Games: a study in the context of the Global Digital Entertainment Industry. Professor at Lincheng University and the Autonomous University of Barcelona. The translation issues related to game localization are always on the edge of research. There are few reference books on game localization in China, let alone a monographs on game localization from the perspective of translation. Both authors of this book are experts in multimedia localization. They are the authors of many monographs and articles. They use a large number of cases to explain, and if they can be successfully translated, they will not only be used as game publishers, publishers and interpreters. Even game fans bring great inspiration, and the operation of the entire localization industry has a lot of reference. As a reference book, translation, games, localization, computer and other professional terms can be found everywhere, and how long difficult sentences, the language is more formal, and full of logic. Under the guidance of the text type and communicative translation theory, the translation is accomplished by the following translation methods: literal translation, division, recombination, part of speech conversion, positive and negative translation, word to sentence translation, etc. The whole translation report consists of five parts: the first part briefly introduces the translation report, the second part analyzes the original text, the third part expounds the guiding theory, the fourth part focuses on the difficulties and solutions in the process of translation. The fifth part is a summary.


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2 李军伟;;The Empowerment of Translators[A];语言与文化研究(第七辑)[C];2010年

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