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发布时间:2018-05-18 01:38

  本文选题:翻译报告 + 信息型文本 ; 参考:《四川外国语大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:本文是一篇翻译项目报告。项目原文选自国际著名犯罪学家欧文·沃勒(Irvin Waller)撰写的《犯罪被害人的权利:正义的回归》(Rights for Victims of Crime:Rebalancing Justice)中的第八章“行动方案”。本报告对原文进行了概述,分析了原文的语言特征和文本类型,并在相关翻译理论的指导下对原文进行了翻译。本翻译项目的选题意义在于通过向读者介绍美国等国家的保护被害人机制及制定的犯罪预防政策,为国内致力于立法、执法方面的研究者提供新思想。本翻译报告包括五章内容,第一章介绍翻译项目的背景、意义和结构。第二章对原文进行概述,包括作者简介、原文内容简介及其语言特征。根据卡特琳娜·赖斯的文本类型理论,原文为信息型文本,该文本的翻译以准确传递原文信息、确保译文可读性为宗旨。第三章主要表述翻译理论的选择和应用,因为原文属于信息型文本,本翻译报告以纽马克(Peter Newmark)的交际翻译为理论基础,并结合自身翻译实践,探讨了其在翻译过程中的指导作用。第四章指出了翻译项目中出现的难点及相应的解决方法。第五章总结翻译经验和亟待解决的问题。
[Abstract]:This article is a translation project report. The original text of the project is taken from Chapter 8 of "Rights of victims of Crime: the return of Justice" by Irvin Waller, a renowned international criminologist, in Chapter 8, "Plan of Action" in Rights for Victims of Crime:Rebalancing Justice. The present report gives an overview of the original text, analyzes its linguistic features and text types, and interprets the source text under the guidance of relevant translation theories. The significance of this translation project is to introduce the victim protection mechanisms and crime prevention policies of the United States and other countries to provide new ideas for domestic researchers committed to legislation and law enforcement. The first chapter introduces the background, significance and structure of the translation project. Chapter two gives an overview of the original text, including the author's introduction, the original content and its linguistic features. According to Catalina Rice's text type theory, the original text is informational text. The translation of this text aims at accurately transmitting the original information and ensuring the readability of the translated text. The third chapter mainly describes the choice and application of translation theory, because the original text is an informational text. This translation report is based on the communicative translation by Peter Newmark, and combines with the translation practice. This paper discusses its guiding role in the process of translation. Chapter four points out the difficulties in translation projects and the corresponding solutions. Chapter five summarizes the translation experience and the problems to be solved.


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