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发布时间:2018-05-18 02:16

  本文选题:高校英语教学 + 茶学词汇 ; 参考:《福建茶叶》2017年11期

[Abstract]:China has a mature tea industry history, as early as the pre-Qin period, there is a history of tea application, and in the Tang Dynasty, tea gradually developed into a socialized mass product. Today, with the development of science and technology, the whole tea specialty has gradually formed an independent discipline system. This paper begins with the analysis of the requirements of the application of tea vocabulary in college English teaching activities and combines the characteristics of tea vocabulary with the problems existing in the translation teaching of tea vocabulary in the traditional English teaching activities in colleges and universities. In order to explore the translation characteristics and strategies of tea vocabulary in college English teaching.
【作者单位】: 石家庄信息工程职业学院;


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2 刘心灵;;当代茶学三品——品茶、品人、品市场[A];上海海峡两岸茶艺交流会文集[C];2004年

3 张开逊;;回忆茶学大师庄晚芳老师的一次谈话[A];新观点新学说学术沙龙文集13:茶与茶道的科学研究[C];2007年




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