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发布时间:2018-05-18 02:24

  本文选题:民办基础教育 + 教师职业认同 ; 参考:《云南师范大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:In the last twenty years, with the professional development of teachers, the research of teachers' professional identity has become an independent research field. Many scholars at home and abroad have done a lot of research on teachers' professional identity. However, there is still room for further exploration on the professional identity of foreign language teachers, especially in the field of private elementary education. The purpose of this paper is to explore the specific cognitive level and its influencing factors in six dimensions of professional identity of English teachers in private elementary education in Kunming. Taking English teachers of five different types of private elementary education schools in Kunming, Yunnan Province as the research object, nearly 100 questionnaires on professional identity were distributed. Among them, 81 valid questionnaires were analyzed by SPSS 19.0, and four teachers were interviewed with structured depth. The results show that: first of all, the average score of teachers' professional identity is not high, indicating that the survey subjects' professional identity is at the middle level, and the average professional role of teachers with 10 years or more of teaching age is higher than that of teachers of other teaching years. This study shows that the level of monthly income does not significantly affect teachers' professional identity, which is different from previous studies. The scores of three dimensions of vocational knowledge and ability were significantly lower than that of teachers of other types of schools. Secondly, through questionnaires and in-depth interviews, it is found that English teachers' professional identity is influenced by teachers' English language level, school organizational culture, curriculum reform and social evaluation. Finally, aiming at the specific problems of teachers' professional identity in this study, the author puts forward some suggestions to promote teachers' professional identity and development from three aspects: individual teacher, school management and social evaluation. This study is only a preliminary study of the status of professional identity of English teachers in private elementary schools in Kunming. The scope of the survey is limited, and the conclusions need to be further verified and supplemented. Finally, this paper discusses and summarizes the factors affecting professional identity, and puts forward some suggestions for further study, in order to provide a research reference for improving the overall level of professional identity of private elementary education teachers.


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