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发布时间:2018-05-18 21:36

  本文选题:阅读课 + 基于情境的教学模式 ; 参考:《山西师范大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:英语课程标准指出培养学生的综合语言运用能力是英语课程的总目标。作为四大语言技能之一,阅读是语言综合运用能力的重要组成部分。因此,学生阅读能力的培养尤为关键。虽然阅读能力的提高在很大程度上取决于阅读技能的有效运用,但语言知识是发展阅读能力的基础,离开了语言知识,阅读能力不可能得到真正的提高。要想掌握语言知识,就必须掌握词汇和语法知识。因此,在英语阅读课上,我们应该注重词汇和语法知识的教学。目前,尽管老师们意识到在阅读中教授词汇和语法的重要性,但却不知道如何有效的进行教学。就此,笔者在前人研究的基础上,针对阅读课中词汇和语法知识的教学进行了研究,构建出基于情境的词汇和语法教学模式,并且将它运用于英语阅读课第二课时词汇与语法的教学,旨在提高学生的课堂参与度、阅读能力以及英语成绩。在本文中,作者以马头中学为例,选取初三两个平行班的92名学生为研究对象,其中155班为实验班,157班为对照班。实验班采用基于情境的词汇和语法教学模式,对照班采用传统教学模式。此外,本文以调查问卷、单元测试、综合测试为研究工具,以期了解英语阅读课词汇和语法教与学的现状,并对调查结果和测试数据用SPSS 17.0进行了分析。通过数据分析,得出以下研究结论:(1)基于情境的词汇和语法教学模式激发了学生的学习兴趣,提高了学生的课堂参与度。对比两次调查问卷的结果,笔者发现,实验前学生普遍缺乏学习兴趣,不愿意参与课堂活动。实验结束后,大多数学生喜欢他们目前的词汇和语法课,并且在课堂上积极参与教师组织的词汇和语法活动。(2)基于情境的词汇和语法教学模式提高了学生的阅读能力。根据单元测试的结果,从第一次单元测试到第十次单元测试,实验班学生的平均英语阅读成绩总体上呈上升趋势,这表明学生的英语阅读能力在实验后有了一定的提高。(3)基于情境的词汇和语法教学模式提高了学生的英语成绩。通过分析三次综合测试的成绩,笔者发现,在实验前,实验班和对照班学生的英语成绩没有显著性差异。实验中期,实验班学生的英语成绩相比之前有一定的提高。实验结束后,学生的英语成绩在实验班和对照班有显著性差异,这表明实验班学生的英语成绩有了明显的提高。
[Abstract]:The English Curriculum Standard points out that it is the overall goal of English course to develop students' comprehensive language ability. As one of the four language skills, reading is an important part of language comprehensive ability. Therefore, the cultivation of students'reading ability is particularly crucial. Although the improvement of reading ability to a large extent depends on the effective use of reading skills, language knowledge is the basis of developing reading ability. Without language knowledge, reading ability can not be really improved. If you want to master language knowledge, you must master vocabulary and grammar knowledge. Therefore, in English reading class, we should pay attention to the teaching of vocabulary and grammar. At present, although teachers realize the importance of teaching vocabulary and grammar in reading, they do not know how to teach effectively. Therefore, on the basis of previous studies, the author studies the teaching of vocabulary and grammar in reading class, and constructs a situation-based teaching model of vocabulary and grammar. Furthermore, it is applied to the teaching of vocabulary and grammar in the second class of English reading class, in order to improve the students' classroom participation, reading ability and English achievement. In this paper, the author takes Matou Middle School as an example, chooses 92 students from two parallel classes of Grade 3 as the research object, among them, Class 155 is the experimental class, class Yi-157 as the control class. The experimental class adopts the situational vocabulary and grammar teaching model, while the control class adopts the traditional teaching model. In addition, this paper uses questionnaire, unit test and comprehensive test as the research tool to understand the present situation of vocabulary and grammar teaching and learning in English reading class, and analyzes the results and test data with SPSS 17.0. Through data analysis, the following conclusions are drawn: (1) Context-based vocabulary and grammar teaching models stimulate students' interest in learning and improve their participation in class. By comparing the results of two questionnaires, the author finds that the students generally lack interest in learning and do not want to participate in classroom activities before the experiment. After the experiment, most students like their current vocabulary and grammar classes, and actively participate in the vocabulary and grammar activities organized by teachers in the classroom. 2) the situation-based vocabulary and grammar teaching model improves students' reading ability. According to the results of the unit test, from the first unit test to the tenth unit test, the average English reading scores of the students in the experimental class generally showed an upward trend. This indicates that students' English reading ability has been improved after the experiment. (3) Context-based vocabulary and grammar teaching mode can improve students' English achievement. By analyzing the results of three comprehensive tests, the author finds that there is no significant difference between the students' English scores in the experimental class and the control class before the experiment. In the middle of the experiment, the English scores of the students in the experimental class were improved to a certain extent. After the experiment, the students' English scores were significantly different between the experimental class and the control class, which indicated that the students' English scores in the experimental class had obviously improved.


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