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发布时间:2018-05-21 13:20

  本文选题:翻译 + 奈达 ; 参考:《宁波大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:《低地》(The Lowland)是印裔美籍作家琼芭·拉希里(Jhumpa Lahiri)2013年9月出版的一部小说,讲述一个普通家庭在印度革命这个特殊历史背景下的故事,引发人们对家庭、社会和自身关系的思考,尤其是在对待所谓的“恐怖分子”的态度上,给人们展现了一个不一样的视角。The Lowland笔触细腻,构思巧妙,出版以来受到各界好评和众多读者的喜爱。笔者选取The Lowland的第一章作为研究样本,以功能对等理论框架为指导,将其译为中文,并就此撰写了本翻译报告。奈达功能对等理论的核心是:译者从原语风格意义出发,用最贴切自然的对等语翻译原文,以读者的客观反应作为衡量译文好坏的标准。换而言之,功能对等理论强调译文不应拘泥于形式,更应着重于原文的意义,而判断译文的质量则要看译文的读者对译文作出的反应是否与原文的读者对原文所作出的反应一致,这一点正是功能对等理论与其他理论的不同之处。笔者的翻译与本翻译报告的撰写均在功能对等理论的指导下完成。本翻译报告从词汇、句法两方面对文本翻译策略进行分析,探讨功能对等理论在小说翻译中的指导意义,总结出英文小说汉译时在上述两方面应该注意的翻译策略和技巧,旨在为处理类似文本的翻译实践提供可以借鉴的经验。
[Abstract]:The Lowland is a novel published in September 2013 by Indian American writer Jhumpa Lahiri. it tells the story of an ordinary family in the special historical context of the Indian Revolution, causing people to think about family, society and their relationships. Especially in the attitude to the so-called "terrorists", it shows people a different perspective. The Lowland is delicate and ingenious, and has been praised by all circles and loved by many readers since its publication. The first chapter of The Lowland is selected as the research sample and the functional equivalence theory framework is used as the guide to translate it into Chinese and the present translation report is written. The core of Nida's functional equivalence theory is that the translator should start from the meaning of the source language style, use the most appropriate natural equivalent to translate the original text, and take the reader's objective reaction as the criterion to judge the quality of the target text. In other words, functional equivalence theory emphasizes that the translation should not be confined to form, but should focus on the meaning of the original text. The quality of the translation depends on whether the reader's response to the translation is consistent with that of the source text, which is the difference between the functional equivalence theory and other theories. The author's translation and the writing of this translation report are both completed under the guidance of functional equivalence theory. This translation report analyzes the translation strategies in terms of vocabulary and syntax, explores the guiding significance of functional equivalence theory in the translation of novels, and summarizes the translation strategies and techniques that should be paid attention to in the Chinese translation of English novels. The purpose of this paper is to provide some useful experience for the practice of dealing with similar texts.


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