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发布时间:2018-05-21 18:16

  本文选题:认知语言学 + 认知翻译学 ; 参考:《山东外语教学》2016年03期

[Abstract]:The event Domain Cognitive Model in Cognitive Linguistics can better explain the cognitive laws and linguistic causes. It is also suitable for studying the translation process, because translation activities are the process of mapping the event fields described by the target language into the target language. Based on the recognition principle, the elements and their relations in the event domain of the source sentence are understood and reproduced in the target language. However, there are similarities and differences in the order of organizational elements and their relations between Chinese and English: "same" is because the two peoples have the same or similar experience in event domain, "different" is because Chinese is mainly a copying language, and the temporal iconicity is obvious. English mainly belongs to montage language, and temporal iconicity is not prominent. Therefore, in Chinese-English translation (especially in dealing with English long sentences), it is necessary to adjust the order of elements and their relations in the overall frame of event domain according to the temporal relationship.
【作者单位】: 四川外国语大学语言哲学研究中心;


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