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发布时间:2018-05-24 00:12

  本文选题:翻译实践报告 + 《文化资源考古学》 ; 参考:《河北师范大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:本文是一篇翻译实践报告,笔者选用了托马斯·W·诺依曼、罗伯特·W·桑福德和凯伦·G·哈利合著的《文化资源考古学》(Cultural Resources Archaeology)第三章“项目背景准备”作为翻译材料进行探讨,将翻译心得体会写成翻译报告。文化资源的考古学重在将文化资源管理运用到考古研究实践中,保护和保存考古及其他资源,提供考古工作经验。这本书涵盖了文化资源在法律和道德方面的管理,结合实际考古案例对考古项目进行准备、评估和测试工作,对考古学专业的学生和考古研究者有指导作用,也有利于当代文化资源管理的发展。本翻译报告主要由四部分构成。第一部分是翻译任务描述,主要介绍节选文章的作者和原文主要内容,确定翻译背景和任务性质;第二部分是翻译过程描述,主要是建立术语表,选择适当地翻译策略;第三部分是翻译案例分析,也是本报告的核心,主要对翻译中出现的专有名词、专业术语、文体转换和长句翻译问题进行分析,并提出笔者所采用的音译、直译、拆分等翻译方法;第四部分是翻译总结,主要对笔者在这次翻译活动的所获得的经验进行总结,并指出笔者有待进步的地方。
[Abstract]:This paper is a translation practice report. The author selects the third chapter "Project background preparation", co-authored by Thomas W. Neumann, Robert W. Sanford and Karen G. Harry, as translation material. Write translation experience into translation report. The archaeology of cultural resources focuses on applying the management of cultural resources to the practice of archaeological research, protecting and preserving archaeological and other resources, and providing archaeological experience. This book covers the legal and moral management of cultural resources, prepares, assesses and tests archaeological projects in combination with actual archaeological cases, and provides guidance to archaeological students and archaeologists. It is also conducive to the development of contemporary cultural resources management. This translation report consists of four parts. The first part is the translation task description, mainly introduces the author and the main content of the original text, determines the translation background and the nature of the task, the second part is the translation process description, mainly establishes the glossary, selects the appropriate translation strategy; The third part is the case analysis of translation, which is the core of this report. It mainly analyzes the translation of proper nouns, technical terms, stylistic changes and long sentence translation, and puts forward the transliteration and literal translation adopted by the author. The fourth part is the translation summary, which summarizes the author's experience in this translation activity and points out that the author needs to make progress.


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