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发布时间:2018-05-25 02:27

  本文选题:功能对等理论 + 翻译技巧 ; 参考:《河北大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:This practice report is based on a paper translated by the author, the Standards of user similarity in the Network Community. The form of translation is English-Chinese translation. The report is divided into five chapters. The first chapter is the task description, mainly introduces the source of the practice report, the source text content, translation requirements, as well as the purpose and significance of the practice. The second chapter describes the process in detail from four aspects: task acceptance, task preparation, translation process and revision. In Chapter 3, the author analyzes the text types and language styles of the source text first, and then reads the parallel text to help the author understand the source text better. Finally, the author inquires the information about the source text, such as, Inquiry into the source text issue journal. The fourth chapter is a case study. Under the guidance of functional equivalence theory, the author analyzes the translation of words by means of part of speech conversion and concrete translation, and combines functional equivalence theory with practical translation cases. This paper analyzes the translation of sentences by means of incremental translation, provincial translation and split translation. In addition, in the part of sentence analysis, this report classifies the long sentences in the source text into three types, and analyzes the translation of different types of long sentences. The fifth chapter is a summary of practice. The author summarizes the translation practice and points out the shortcomings and the direction of future efforts.


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