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发布时间:2018-05-26 08:36

  本文选题:高校简介 + 翻译 ; 参考:《北京交通大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:近年来,国内外高校之间的交流合作日益密切。为了吸引更多的国外学者和留学生,国内高校纷纷在其主页上增设了英文简介,主要由对应的中文简介翻译而来。作为高校对外宣传的主要窗口,英文简介至关重要。然而,目前国内高校简介的翻译质量却不尽人意,亟待提高。本文在总结前人研究成果的基础上,从评价理论视角对国内高校简介英译进行系统研究,旨在探究高校中文简介中评价意义在译文中的实现情况,进而对高校简介的翻译质量做出客观评估,并针对性地提出改进译文质量的建议,即实现评价意义的对等。考虑到前人研究中高校简介语料太少,分析结果不具代表性,本文决定从30所国内高校的官网上选取中英文简介各一篇,分别制成中文语料库和翻译语料库。本文主要研究方法包括定量分析、定性分析和比较分析。具体步骤为:首先,作者分别统计出两个语料库中各类评价资源的分布和比例并将同类评价资源在两个语料库中的分布和比例进行对比,以查明翻译语料库中各类评价资源在数量上的实现程度。其次,作者通过实例分析评价资源翻译中的忠实和变化。对于变化,作者将进行分类并提供相应的修改意见。研究发现,在数量方面,高校中文简介中的评价资源在翻译中基本实现。具体而言,态度、介入和级差资源分别达到了 95.1%、97.5%和95.0%的实现率。在质量方面,部分评价资源在翻译中发生了变化,导致了评价意义的不对等。具体而言,态度资源翻译中出现了不恰当、增加和减少的现象;介入资源翻译中出现了转化、增加和减少的现象;级差资源翻译中出现了转化、升级和降级的现象。针对不同的变化类型,作者提出了不同的修改建议,以实现评价意义对等,提高翻译质量。
[Abstract]:In recent years, the exchange and cooperation between colleges and universities at home and abroad are increasingly close. In order to attract more foreign scholars and foreign students, domestic colleges and universities have added English profiles on their home pages, mainly from the translation of the corresponding Chinese profiles. As the main window of university publicity, English brief introduction is very important. However, the translation quality of domestic colleges and universities is unsatisfactory and needs to be improved. On the basis of summarizing the previous research results, this paper makes a systematic study on the translation of Chinese university profiles from the perspective of evaluation theory, with a view to exploring the realization of the significance of evaluation in the translation of Chinese profiles of colleges and universities. Then it makes an objective evaluation of the translation quality of university profiles, and puts forward some suggestions to improve the translation quality, that is, to realize the equivalence of evaluation meaning. In view of the fact that there are too few profiles of colleges and universities in previous studies and the analysis results are not representative, this paper decides to select a brief introduction of Chinese and English from the official websites of 30 domestic universities and make a Chinese corpus and a translation corpus respectively. The main research methods include quantitative analysis, qualitative analysis and comparative analysis. The specific steps are as follows: first, the author calculates the distribution and proportion of all kinds of evaluation resources in the two corpora, and compares the distribution and proportion of the same kind of evaluation resources in the two corpora. In order to find out the degree of quantitative realization of various evaluation resources in the translation corpus. Secondly, the author evaluates the faithfulness and variation in resource translation by examples. The author will classify the changes and provide corresponding suggestions for modification. In terms of quantity, the evaluation resources in Chinese profiles of colleges and universities are basically realized in translation. In particular, the achievement rates of attitude, intervention and differential resources reached 95.1% and 95.0% respectively. In terms of quality, some evaluation resources have changed in translation, resulting in unequal evaluation meaning. Specifically, the phenomenon of inappropriate, increasing and decreasing appears in the translation of attitude resources; the phenomenon of transformation, increase and decrease appears in the translation of intervention resources; and the phenomenon of transformation, upgrade and demotion occurs in the translation of graded resources. In order to realize the equivalence of evaluation meaning and improve the quality of translation, the author puts forward different suggestions for different types of changes.


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