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发布时间:2018-05-26 10:53

  本文选题:英语学习策略 + 中国留美硕士生 ; 参考:《广西师范大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Since the 1970s, the concept of learning strategy has been introduced into language education. With the deepening of autonomous learning thought, the research of foreign language teaching has shifted from "how to teach" to "how to learn", and the important role of learning strategy in the process of autonomous learning has gradually been recognized by people. Many studies have shown that the use of learning strategies is influenced by the language learning environment. Because there is no best language environment for English learning in China, many effective learning strategies may be ignored by English learners in China. Based on Oxford's learning strategy theory, this paper investigates the English learning strategies of 60 Chinese students studying for a master's degree in American universities by means of questionnaires and interviews. The purpose of this study is to clarify the overall preference of Chinese master students' English learning strategies in the English environment, and to analyze the differences in the use of English learning strategies among students of different genders and different English levels. And to explore the possible factors affecting the use of English learning strategies for Chinese students in the English environment. Descriptive statistics, independent sample T test and Pearson correlation coefficient analysis are involved in data analysis. The results show that in English environment, the overall use of English learning strategies for Chinese master students is at a moderate level, and the most commonly used strategy category is compensation strategy. The least commonly used is memory strategy. 2) the English learning strategies of female students are higher than that of male students, but there is no significant difference. For the use of different strategy categories, male and female students only used memory strategies, metacognitive strategies and affective strategies, and the frequency of memory strategies used by male students was significantly higher than that of female students. However, female students used metacognitive strategies and affective strategies more frequently. 3) there were significant differences in the overall use of English learning strategies among foreign students with different English proficiency: the overall strategy use level of high score group students was significantly higher. International students in low groups. For the differences in the use of different strategy categories, the high-score groups were more dependent on social strategies and compensation strategies. However, the low group is more inclined to use memory strategy. 4) the classroom environment and living environment in English environment both influence the use of English learning strategies for Chinese master students. Based on the above findings, this study provides some enlightening suggestions for the students who are going to study abroad, as well as for college English learners and teachers in China, such as cultivating autonomous learning and changing the role of teachers. Purposeful learning strategy training and creating an environment for independent and cooperative learning.


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