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发布时间:2018-05-26 15:06

  本文选题:全身反应教学法 + 教学表演 ; 参考:《四川师范大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:美国著名心理学教授詹姆斯.埃舍尔在上世纪六十年代通过大量的实验研究提出了全身反应教学法(英文全称Total physical response,简称TPR)。全身法是一种鼓励把语言和行为统一,运用身体动作对学生进行外语教学,坚持“听先于说”,让学生观察模仿老师动作、学生自我操作理解、顺利说出外语的教学方法。其中,运用身体动作教授外语至关重要。自全身法进入到国人视线,就受到了许多老师、学者的好评,国内英语教学中得到了很好的运用。在小学英语教学中应用的较为广泛,但是具体到词汇教学研究却不太全面。因此,笔者提出了本论文的研究问题:什么样的通则可以指导全身反应法进行小学英语词汇教学。笔者想通过假设:全身反应教学法的应用存在师生的一个表演通则,同时把这样的一个通则定义为:一组动作表示可以识别某一概念特有的关键属性群。接着,笔者对英语词汇进行动作设计,在小学课堂上开展实践。以此来检验词汇动作设计是否合理,是否能提高学生学习英语的兴趣、激发他们学习英语的潜在能量、提高学生的认知能力、加强学生在生活中英语交流的能力。同时,通过实践发现问题、解决问题、提出建议,还望本文对小学英语教学有所帮助。本文的第一部分主要阐述了本文的选题缘由,从理论和实践两个方面确定了选题意义。分别界定了全身反应教学法、教学表演、小学英语课堂、小学生作为核心概念。整理并分析出国内外的相关文献并对研究缺失进行分析,找到研究问题、探寻研究思路以及研究方法。从S小学现状、教学师资、学生情况、课程安排、教学内容几个方面进行教学实践的分析。文中第二部分依据全身反应法的理论基础、全身反应法的实质、理论假设、以及教学步骤、教学特点等内容,为本文的词汇教学提供理论依据。文章的三、四部分,对词汇进行动作设计,教学实践,以及词汇教学中的问题分析。最后,在第五部分阐述了教学效果以及教学建议。
[Abstract]:James James, a famous American professor of psychology. In 1960's, Esher put forward the teaching method of whole body reaction (Total physical response,) through a lot of experimental research. The whole body method is a kind of teaching method that encourages the unification of language and behavior, uses body movements to teach students foreign languages, insists on "listening before speaking", allows students to observe and imitate teachers' actions, students' self-operation and understanding, and speaks foreign languages smoothly. Among them, the use of body movements to teach foreign languages is very important. Since the whole body method entered the sight of Chinese, it has been praised by many teachers and scholars, and has been well used in English teaching in China. It is widely used in primary English teaching, but the research on vocabulary teaching is not comprehensive. Therefore, the author puts forward the research question of this thesis: what kind of general principle can guide the whole body reaction method to carry on the primary school English vocabulary teaching. The author wants to assume that there is a general principle of performance of teachers and students in the application of the whole body reaction teaching method, and at the same time, define such a general principle as: a group of actions can represent the key attribute group that can recognize a concept. Then, the author designs the English vocabulary and carries out the practice in the primary school classroom. The purpose of this paper is to test whether the design of lexical movements is reasonable, whether it can enhance the students' interest in learning English, stimulate their potential energy in learning English, improve their cognitive ability, and strengthen their ability to communicate in English in daily life. At the same time, through practice to find problems, solve problems, put forward suggestions, hope that this article is helpful to primary school English teaching. The first part of this paper mainly expounds the reason of the topic, from the theory and practice to determine the significance of the topic. The whole body reaction teaching method, teaching performance, primary English classroom and primary school students are defined as core concepts respectively. The related literature at home and abroad is analyzed and the lack of research is analyzed to find out the research problems and to explore the research ideas and methods. The present situation of S primary school, teaching teachers, students' situation, curriculum arrangement and teaching contents are analyzed in teaching practice. The second part is based on the theoretical basis of the whole body reaction method, the essence of the whole body reaction method, the theoretical hypothesis, the teaching steps, the teaching characteristics and so on, which provides the theoretical basis for the vocabulary teaching in this paper. In the third and fourth parts, the author analyzes the action design, teaching practice and problems in vocabulary teaching. Finally, the fifth part expounds the teaching effect and teaching suggestions.


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