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发布时间:2018-05-27 10:23

  本文选题:奥巴马国情咨文演说 + 伯克新修辞 ; 参考:《河北师范大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:The State of the Union address is the president's annual report at the Capitol. It is an important way for the president to gain the support of Congress and the audience. This thesis uses Kenneth Burke's new rhetoric theory to interpret American State of the Union speeches in order to reveal the rhetorical process of political discourse and the rhetorical motives hidden in the discourse. The corpus comes from President Obama's State of the Union address in 2016. This thesis constructs the framework of Burke's new rhetorical discourse analysis model from three aspects: the same rhetoric, drama and symbol system. The same rhetoric focuses on the analysis of three strategies for obtaining identity: sympathetic identity, oppositional identity and false identity. These strategies are often used in the President's State of the Union address to persuade the audience to agree with the speaker and the content. The theory of dramatism analyzes the discourse of the President's State of the Union address by means of the relationship between the five elements, the behavior, the executor, the method, the scene and the purpose, so as to reveal the motivations of the speaker's attempt to influence the audience's behavior. Burke's linguistic and symbolic system provides words to analyze the relationship between human nature and rhetoric. With the help of these words, we can find out how the state of the union speech can stimulate the audience to agree with the speaker's viewpoint and behavior. This thesis introduces Burke's new rhetoric theory into the study of State of the Union address, which can make people better interpret the State of the Union address and provide an effective test for Kenneth Burke's new rhetoric theory. At the same time, the research of this thesis has some positive significance for English language teaching and learning.


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