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发布时间:2018-05-28 07:54

  本文选题:前景化 + 文体分析 ; 参考:《兰州大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:前景化是文体学的一个重要概念。布拉格学派借用这一概念来表示文学作品中刻意偏离语言常规的现象。文学作品由于追求陌生化效果,经常借助前景化的表现手法来实现特定的审美意义和主题意义。因此前景化表达的翻译对于能否再现原文文体特征至关重要。论文选取了一部1923年获得了普利策小说奖的文学作品——薇拉凯瑟的《我们中的一个》(One of Ours)作为本次翻译实践的文本。作者精炼细腻的文笔为论文提供了诸多前景化表达的素材。笔者收集整理了这些前景化表达并依据利奇以及叶子南等学者提出的前景化分类理论对它们进行分类,结合韩礼德的文体分析法进行译前分析,即先描述前景化使用现象,后解释使用原因,最后给出具体的翻译策略。前景化语言的翻译没有固定模式。作者寄望通过本此翻译实践,为文学作品中前景化语言的翻译提供一些思路。
[Abstract]:Foregrounding is an important concept in stylistics. The Prague School uses this concept to express the phenomenon of deliberate deviation from linguistic norms in literary works. Because literature works pursue the effect of defamiliarization, it often realizes the specific aesthetic meaning and thematic meaning by means of foreground expression. Therefore, the translation of foregrounding expression is very important to reproduce the stylistic features of the original text. The thesis selects a literary work, "one of us" by Vera Cather, which won the Pulitzer Prize in 1923, as the text of this translation practice. The author's fine writing provides a great deal of foregrounding material for the paper. The author collects and arranges these foregrounding expressions and classifies them according to the foregrounding classification theory put forward by Leech and Yenan, combining with Halliday's stylistic analysis to carry out pre-translation analysis, that is to say, to describe the phenomenon of foregrounding. Finally, specific translation strategies are given. There is no fixed pattern in the translation of foregrounding language. Through this translation practice, the author hopes to provide some ideas for the translation of foregrounding language in literary works.


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