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发布时间:2018-05-28 14:56

  本文选题:风格再现 + 象征意义 ; 参考:《上海外国语大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:The reproduction of literary translation style has long been concerned by scholars. A good translation should not only express the original content accurately, but also reproduce the original style. However, how to define style, so far in the academic community has not been the exact answer. This paper holds that style is inseparable from the presentation of the original work, the author's writing intention and so on, and it is determined by the characteristics of the original work. Different literary works have different styles. This paper makes a study of the reappearance of the style of Hardy's work Tess of the d'Urbervilles, and analyzes and compares the versions of Zhang Guru and Sun Fali. This paper adopts the method of text analysis and comparison, through the repeated reading and study of the original work, on the basis of previous studies, from three aspects (symbolism, Wessex dialect, narrative techniques). Based on the analysis of two Chinese versions of Tess of the Decaux d'Urbervilles, this paper demonstrates the reproduction of their style. Symbolism, Wessex dialect and the narrative technique of the novel are the essential elements to determine the style of Tess of the Decaux d'Urbervilles, and the use of the natural image and the image of death in Tess of the Decaux d'Urbervilles. It is helpful for the author to depict the characters in the novel and to imply the development of the fate of the characters. The translation of the novel should reflect the implied meaning behind the symbolic image and show the writing style of the original. In addition to the use of symbolic imagery, Tess of the d'Urbervilles is also known in the Wessex dialect. How to translate Wessex dialect into Chinese while preserving its local characteristics is one of the important criteria for judging the translation. The narrative technique of the novel should also be concerned by the translator and reflected in the translation. The translation should also reflect the machine's oppression of farmers. Through the study, this paper demonstrates the importance of the reproduction of the translation style. Through the analysis of rich examples, this paper finds that symbolism, Wessex dialect and narrative technique are the important factors that make up the style of Tess of the d'Urbervilles of Hardy, and any translator must pay attention to them. At the same time, this paper finds that Zhang Guruo's translation is more excellent than Sun's in style reproduction, and the translation methods used by Zhang Guruo are also flexible and changeable. It is hoped that the translator will realize the importance of stylistic reproduction in literary translation and reproduce the stylistic features of the original novel as much as possible.


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