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发布时间:2018-05-29 16:11

  本文选题:茶文化 + 国际交流 ; 参考:《福建茶叶》2017年07期

[Abstract]:With the aggravation of international cultural exchange, tea culture is becoming more and more popular in the world. Under the background of tea cultural exchange, English knowledge education is becoming more and more important. In order to train more talents for the international exchange of tea culture in China, the English knowledge educators in our universities should deeply study the relevant contents of the international exchange of tea culture and explore the relationship between the two. Only by promoting the international exchange of tea culture and the integration of English knowledge, can we reduce the contradiction of differences in the exchange of tea culture countries, promote the innovation and development of English knowledge education, and popularize the tea culture. In this paper, the international exchange of tea culture and English knowledge education as the content, the relevant countermeasures are analyzed and studied.
【作者单位】: 塔里木大学;


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8 李s,




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