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发布时间:2018-05-31 09:53

  本文选题:文本分析模式 + 翻译批评模型 ; 参考:《上海外国语大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:This paper takes the controversial translation of Flying Birds by Feng Tang as the research object, applies Christina Nord's model of translation criticism to investigate it as a whole, on the basis of obtaining sufficient information about the original poem and the translated poem. According to the translation requirements of the translator, this paper describes and criticizes the translated poem, and tries to explain the reason why the version of Flying Birds was removed. Under the guidance of Skopos theory, Nord's model of translation criticism is based on the model of text analysis. Based on the analysis of the editor's recommendation and the postscript of Feng Tang's translation of Flying Birds, this paper reconstructs the general translation outline of this translation project, that is, to produce a poetic version. Modern Chinese as the carrier of aesthetic translation. On the basis of this, this paper makes an analysis of the original poem and the translated poem in terms of internal factors, extrinsic factors and effects. It is found that Feng Tang's translation does not violate the translation outline and cannot be said to be inadequate. Moreover, it also shows considerable creativity in terms of vocabulary and sentence structure. However, the controversial eight poems violate the rules of coherence in different degrees. These eight poems not only became synonyms of Feng Tang version, but also directly led to the removal of the paper version. This paper proves that in poetry translation, meeting the translation outline alone can not guarantee the expected effect of the translation. It is also argued that the poorly translated poems have a greater influence on the quality of the translations than the ones that are "excellent".


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